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Worst Episode Opinion

dbaxter1991 · 226 · 102226

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Offline dbaxter1991

Now that I hear you guys as Stooge fans:

What would you say is the WORST STOOGE SHORT EVER???

Mine is:
Remakes of those Shemp shorts
Any Joe short

Thus not hating any of the Curly shorts, why do you think?!!!?? :D

Offline shemps#1

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I went ahead and split this off from the newbie thread. You should have started a new thread. I'll respond to your question because it has been awhile since I've seen a "worst short" thread, and I found your answer confusing and interesting.

First off, I wish you would have been more specific in your answer. You ask which short is the worst and then give your opinion with two very broad answers. There has to be a Shemp remake or a Joe short that sticks out more than the rest as the worst.

As for the "not hating any of the Curly shorts" part, I think you are blinded by your devotion to him. When you have a canon of work as large as the Three Stooges, you are bound to make some stinkers. They made some with Curly and Shemp as well as Joe. If you were more honest with yourself you would realize that not every short they made with Curly was great, or even good. Also, every Joe short and Shemp remake of Shemp shorts aren't equally as bad.

In my opinion the worst short they made was Sweet and Hot. At first I had an adverse reaction to it, as most people do. Now whenever I watch it it feels like watching a train wreck, I can't keep my eyes off it. There isn't a word in the English language to describe how bad that short is.
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Offline Shemoeley Fine

The worse are naturally the Joe Besser shorts,  Moe must've been in a daze when he chose Besser as the 3rd Stooge, Joe was out of his league. They only positive out of this negative IMO, is that if Moe and Larry had cashed in their chips and retired, we might have not had the Curly Joe era, but then again we still owuld have as it was the TV re-runs of the shorts with Curley and Shemp that made possible the DeRita feature films, cartoons etc etc

Commotion in the Ocean is unwatchable and the other post-Shemp's death shorts are very inferior. Blunder Boys is the last quality short by the crew.

My least favorite Curley 2-reeler is 3 Loan Wolves, but it's still okay, I won't walkaway if it's on like I do with all the Bessers, all the after Shemp died ones and some of the latter years ones with Samuel Horowitz. There's no doubt that Shemp was the most succesful of the brothers as a whole.


Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline dbaxter1991

If you wanted something specific, you know when Semp died, the rest of the shorts were remakes.

For example: Creeps (1956) was a remake of The Ghost Talks (1949).

I HATE whaen they do that!

Joe as a stooge sux balls!!!  >:( So does Curly JoeDeRita with those gay-ass movies and those dumb as crap cartoons!!!

Sorry for cursing  :'(

Offline shemps#1

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You're allowed to curse (except in the review section), but proper spelling would be nice.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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I agree with shemps#1 ... Sweet and Hot probably tops the list. This doesn't mean I can't find something useful from it. Everytime I'm in a hurry, I'll usually say to the person being slow, "Please, ... my time is liniment!"
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Offline kinderscenen

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All right, all right--no matter WHO was the 3rd Stooge after Shemp's death, he would be a poor substitute unless they could've gotten Buddy Hackett, which would've been interesting...not necessarily better, because either he would've been a "Curly Clone", or something similar.

In response to the Joe-era shorts "sux balls," I tend to think that they were already heading that way, even if Shemp had lived. Lest I repeat stuff we all know, dwindling budgets, etc. had a way of effecting the quality of the shorts.

As far as the worst, I would have to say "Beer Barrel Polecats" simply because of the sheer stupidity of even THINKING of using that amount of stock footage. Curly's health problems had been dealt with successfully in shorts such as "Three Loan Wolves" and "Three Little Pirates", so there was little need to slap together what could've been a great short (the beginning is quite funny) that only needed more material. What resulted was a poorly matched mishmash of young, vibrant Curly/older, ill Curly that made no sense.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 09:51:46 PM by kinderscenen »
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!


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I think the worst episode is cuckoo on a choo choo. It's not even funny.

Offline carpetman

that is just your opinion but it is probably the greatest of the shemp shorts


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Who agrees with me? "Sweet and hot" is the worst Joe short that you can ever think of?

Offline NicktoBarada

I've never actually seen Sweet and Hot (or maybe I did, and tried to block the memory from my mind) but off the top of my head, the worst Joe short I can think of is that one where the Stooges discover their dead sister has been reincarnated as a horse... Gad, I can't even remember the name of that short now!  *goes to look it up*  But it was pretty darn stupid.  I never liked the Joe shorts, they're just not funny!
At your service, day and night, we do the job and do it right!  ACME!!


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Have you guy's seen the Joe episode"Oil's well that ends well"? It's the only Joe short that made me laugh. You can't possibly say that this is the worst joe episode. It made me laugh


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I totally agree.  "Sweet And Hot" is the worst stooges' short I've ever seen.

Dog Hambone

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I have to agree with nyuknyuk. Cuckoo on a Choo Choo (1952). I have a book titled "The Three Stooges Scrapbook" that has notes this one is "Without a doubt, the worst stooge comedy." The entire thing takes place in a railroad passenger car. And I'm sorry, but I don't find anything amusing about Shemp (or anyone else) as an incurable alcoholic. And as a sidebar, Larry's performance is just plain weird.       
« Last Edit: March 04, 2006, 06:54:00 AM by Dog Hambone »


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I like curly 100,000 %. I have a strange felling that you guys should know. I get annoyied when i see a curly episode that I've already seen 1 time. I'll give you an example. "Calling all Curs" [1939]. It's a good comedey. I've seen it three times in one week. Do you have that feeling? I'm just curious

Offline McSnuff20

Anytime in my life that a Joe came on I would turn if off.  So I can't pick one in particular but A Merry Mix-up was just awful.   I can't even say what Sweet and Hot was but I'm sure it was crap.  Never partial to Shemp either except maybe Brideless Groom and Fright Night with Chopper were ok.  Hated Coo Coo on the Choo-Choo that was disturbing and that canary.... Otherwise I consider Moe, Larry and Curley as the three Stooges so the worst is Half-Wits' Holiday his last one.

Dog Hambone

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I don't understand how nyuknyuk or anyone else could possibly get "annoyied {sic}" while watching a Curly short, whether they've seen it once or a hundred times. Then, he says he saw Calling All Curs 3 times in one week & it's a good "comedey {sic}". Huh? Shouldn't he be doubly annoyed at having to watch it 3 times?

As for the Joe Besser shorts, I used to walk away when they came on, but I generally watch them now (although not as closely as those with Curly or Shemp). I guess for the trivia value if nothing else. I get a chuckle when Moe hits Joe, & Joe whines "Ow, that hurts" while half-heartedly hitting Moe back. And I laugh at the scene in Outer Space Jitters when Joe loads the pockets of his pants with gold bars, then his pants fall down causing him to trip & fall flat on his face. As for the trivia, where else could you have seen Dan Blocker portraying a robot/monster prior to his role as Hoss Cartwright in Bonanza? 

My wife doesn't go out of her way to watch the Stooges on her own, but she will watch them if I have them on. Her observation of Joe was "he was a real flamer". That doesn't cross my mind when I see him, but I can see what she means.          


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Guess I was unclear on my explanation. What I meant to say was even though Calling all Curs is a good episode, I get really annoyed if i see it more than once in one week. About the Joe shorts, i think the worst one I've ever seen was the remake of "Idiots Deluxe" called "Guns a poppin!" It didn't impress me at all. I recommend the original.

Dog Hambone

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ok, I understand you now, nyuknyuk. I don't want to see any episodes that often, no matter how good they are. That's one thing that can get a little annoying about the remakes where a lot of stock footage was used. For example, Spike showed "Rip, Sew & Stitch" (remake) recently, & then it seemed like within a few days Spike was showing "Sing a Song of Six Pants" (original).


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I see what you mean. i saw "Rip sew and stich" the first time on tubetime which is on demand. It is totally the same plot as Sing a song of six pants           


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Hello Stooge Fans,
I think that the Stooges worst episode as far as I am concerned is "Woman Haters"  That is the short that i watch the least.  It had some funny parts but I thought that they were too limited on what they could do because they had to rhyme everything. Also, Majorie White was the star, not them.
Just my 2 cents
God Bless,


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That is your opinion and I accept that. The first time I watched that episode I was not impressed. The second or third time I watched it, "Woman Haters" was intersting. Now it's ome of my favorites curly episode.

Offline Pip Pip

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I'll have to think on the Shemp episodes, but Hoofs & Goofs and Horsing Around would have to be my least favorite Joe shorts, for obvious reasons.  As for Curly shorts, I don't care for Rhythm & Weep or Beer Barrel Polecats.  I'm not fond of the suicide angle for Rhythm, and it seems generally weak, comedy-wise.  Beer Barrel is a cut up mess, and even the "we all put the yeast in" scene looked like a shadow of the comedy team I know and love.

Dog Hambone

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I was looking at one of my VHS tapes last night, & "You Nazty Spy" came on. I started watching it, but as I have done before, I fast forwarded to the next short. It's not really very funny at all. The same goes for the other Hitler short, "I'll Never Heil Again". Perhaps these were funny in context, i.e., wartime some 40 years ago, but in my humble opinion, they do not translate well into the modern era.     

Pilsner Panther

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I was looking at one of my VHS tapes last night, & "You Nazty Spy" came on. I started watching it, but as I have done before, I fast forwarded to the next short. It's not really very funny at all. The same goes for the other Hitler short, "I'll Never Heil Again". Perhaps these were funny in context, i.e., wartime some 40 years ago, but in my humble opinion, they do not translate well into the modern era.     

Huh... well, to each their own, but I think the Stooges' Hitler-Fascism satires are timely again and just as funny as ever, because of the circumstances the free world finds itself in now. Maybe the only difference is that there aren't just three would-be dictators trying to take over the planet right now, but dozens of the bastards.

Also, don't forget that the Stooges were the first comedians to satirize Hitler and Nazism, even before Charlie Chaplin did. A brave and gutsy move by some prominent Jewish-American entertainers, considering that no one knew who would win the war at that point.

The scene in "You Nazty Spy" where Moe transforms himself into Hitler ("Now, let me think,") is one of the greatest bits of political satire ever put on film. It influenced even Monty Python ("The North Minehead By-Election") decades later.