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One Too Many (1934) - Leon Errol

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Offline Paul Pain

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Watch ONE TOO MANY here:

Read another review here:

Leon Errol specialized in these domestic situations where he's usually a miserable sot, like the one in this film.   A simply premise, that Leon can't resist booze, is used throughout this film, with his primary antagonist being his similarly booze addicted tempter, friend Tom.  It always ends with Leon inside the Club Royale.

Leon can stagger drunk like no other Columbia actor.  No nonsense, all stagger, and the ability to milk the simple task of picking up a hat or placing a phone call is well worth the price of admission to this short.  Having Vivien Oakland as his irate wife is icing on the cake for a slam-bang comedy that will keep you interested start to finish.

With a good quality film reel, I suspect this one would be a 10/10, bit I'm curious what the rest of you will say.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline HomokHarcos

Last time I mentioned not knowing that Leon Errol worked for the Columbia Shorts Department, this week I learned that Robert McGowan worked for them also. He was the director and creative force behind Our Gang during the silent and early sound era.

Leon Errol’s comedies are a breath of fresh air in that he actually is deserving of the treatment he’s getting, not because of misunderstandings. He simply is refusing to send the bills and go to meetings because he thinks getting drunk is more important.

My favorite scene is the boxing/wrestling sequence with his wife, lots of fun there. Him smashing the mirror because he believed the reflection was real, reminds me of Chaplin fighting a punching bag when drunk in one of his Keystone comedies.

In court Leon looks a lot like Dr. Eggman from the sonic games, with a similar moustache and glasses, and the baldness. It made me laugh. Also nice to see Bud Jamison.