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Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

     I can answer that one:  once the stooges hit in Boston, I do believe they released almost every comedy short in the Columbia vaults.  It was my first exposure to Buster Keaton, Harry Langdon, The Shemp solo shorts,  El Brendel, Andy Clyde, and I even remember The Glove Slingers.  I was maybe six at the time.  They ran them before school and after school.  The non-stooge shorts didn't last very long, the Stooges just smoked everybody.  I remember the Glove Slingers being downright pathetic, every short ending with a juvenile boxing match, egged on by the grown-ups who today would be booked for child abuse.  The kids just soaked the good comedies up, nobody more than me.  Oddly, if they ran any Charley Chases, I don't remember them.

Offline Mark The Shark

WGN in Chicago must have bought that other package as well, since they ran Buster Keaton and  Andy Clyde alongside the Stooges for a while.

My understanding though, is it was an even 100 shorts, so not the complete compendium of the "other" Columbia shorts. I know there are "industry insider" lists of the three packages of Stooge shorts -- is there a list like that for the "Hilarious Hundred?"

By the way...there is a photo of Bob Bell as Andy Starr (who hosted the shorts on WGN-Channel 9 in Chicago) standing by a marquee mentioning the Stooges, Clyde and Keaton. I have seen this photo shown on WGN retrospective specials over the years when they mention the show (no actual footage from the show is known to exist, only stills). But I could (solemnly) swear (to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth) that I have seen another version of this photo where more of the marquee is shown, and W.C. Fields' name is on it. This is puzzling to me, since Fields only made a handful of (talkie) shorts for Paramount, plus one for RKO. Were either one or the other part of some package WGN had back then? On the other hand -- Keaton only made 10 shorts for Columbia, and he was featured.

Unfortunately, I don't have the photo. It seems to be an early one. His costume and make up look a little different from those color ones that show up sonetines where he's sitting at the desk.

Offline ReekoS

"OPERATOR 13 (1934)"

Does anyone know the timestamp where Curly has an eight ( 8 ) second cameo in "Operator 13?" I've watched the movie 3 times carefully and I can't find it.


Offline nobonus

Greeting from CA! This is my first post on this forum and I am on a specific quest. I want to know about the two-tasseled square hat Curly wears in Dutiful and Dumb during the famous raw oyster stew scene.   What is that hat from? What is it called? Where can I get one?

Offline Marshall

I think Moe has the Fender six string bass in that picture....or at least it sure looks like it.  Whenever John and George played bass on a later Beatles tune, that's what they'd use.  Check out videos of John in "Let It Be" and "Long and Winding Road," pretty sure it's the same instrument.

You have excellent taste in that you like The Three Stooges and The Beatles! The Abbey Road 50th Anniversary box set should be released in September.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Are some of the topics for solo stooges closed? I didn't see the reply button under "Bride and Gloom"...
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Are some of the topics for solo stooges closed? I didn't see the reply button under "Bride and Gloom"...

Shouldn’t be, I’ll look into it tonight.
- Doug Sarnecky

Online Dunrobin

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Are some of the topics for solo stooges closed? I didn't see the reply button under "Bride and Gloom"...

My bad.  I set the boards in that category to "Reply Only", but I accidentally set the board for the Solo Shorts to "Read Only" instead.  It should be fixed now.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Thanks, Rob...   [cool]
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline elmer2flp

Dear Stooge-ophiles:

I need help remembering which short had Moe complaining of a "twitch" in his hand. I think there was painting (or hammering, or something like that) involved. I think Moe painted someones face (or hit them with hammer), then uttered the immortal line to the effect:  "SORRY KID, IT WAS THAT OLD TWITCH AGAIN! Please help me identify the short with this gag.

Offline markba633ci

Trying to recall the stooges short with the duck or goose tormenting Curly or Shemp.  It was indoors.  It bites one of them on the nose.
It wasn't a "a ducking they did go" and wasn't either of the caveman ones.
Mark S.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Maybe you're thinking about The Yokes on Me & Curly's battle with the goose?
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline colepc

I am too new to post this as a separate topic, but I have been trying to find out anything about a compilation I watched growing up in the late 80s and early 90s. It was hosted by Mousie Garner and used the live action wrap arounds from the cartoons. He sat in a chair and would tell short intros before the video faded to the clips. I thought it was called Family Album, but I'm either mistaken or it is a very obscure video. Does anyone know something about this?

Offline Chimpagne

  • Another little drink
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I am interested in any material relating to the foley work in TTS. A simple Google search reveals little.
But there must have been references, interviews, articles, a book - ?? A book on the topic would be great!
Thanks for your warm welcomes, and thanks for any input on my topic. [3stooges]

Offline hiramhorwitz

I am interested in any material relating to the foley work in TTS. A simple Google search reveals little.
But there must have been references, interviews, articles, a book - ?? A book on the topic would be great!


The primary guy responsible for the Stooges' sound effects was Joe Henrie.  There's not a whole lot of detail documented on his approach, but if you search hard enough, you can find a relatively small number of articles about his contributions to the Stooges films.  Here are two brief write-ups to get you started:  one from the Find-A-Grave website, and a second from Steve Cox and Jim Terry's book One Fine Stooge.