Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

The Immigrant (1917) - Charlie Chaplin

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Freddie Sanborn:
I hate to rain on The Immigrant lovefest, but I always thought the structure was backwards. Reel 1 is epic in nature and Reel 2 is a simple cafe comedy. It is known that Chaplin made the cafe scenes first, and then decided to make a prologue showing where the Tramp and Edna came from.

Shouldn’t the epic portion of the film come last? Maybe the cafe could have been Charlie and Edna’s last meal in the old country before their journey across the sea. Then they have their adventures during the crossing, but lose each other in NYC.

Miserable and rain-soaked, they find one another again in front of the justice of the peace, go in, and get married. The end.

Look at me, second-guessing a genius.

Umbrella Sam:

--- Quote from: Freddie Sanborn on May 20, 2022, 12:43:10 PM ---I hate to rain on The Immigrant lovefest, but I always thought the structure was backwards. Reel 1 is epic in nature and Reel 2 is a simple cafe comedy. It is known that Chaplin made the cafe scenes first, and then decided to make a prologue showing where the Tramp and Edna came from.

Shouldn’t the epic portion of the film come last? Maybe the cafe could have been Charlie and Edna’s last meal in the old country before their journey across the sea. Then they have their adventures during the crossing, but lose each other in NYC.

Miserable and rain-soaked, they find one another again in front of the justice of the peace, go in, and get married. The end.

Look at me, second-guessing a genius.

--- End quote ---

I don’t disagree with this train of thought; there definitely feels like there’s something more special about the first reel compared to the second reel, especially considering that THE RINK also takes place at a restaurant. At the same time, though, I think it could be argued that the simplicity of the second half works in the film’s favor. After viewing all the turmoil and sickness these people went through, it’s nice to just have a simple happy ending.

From a setting point of view, agreed the first reel is more epic and I can understand where you’re coming from.  However, the whole business with paying the waiter is really long lasting and well put together, giving it an epic feel construction wise. So I’m fine with the film the way it is.


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