Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

Among Those Present (1921) - Harold Lloyd

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--- Quote from: Umbrella Sam on May 13, 2022, 02:35:13 PM ---Hoping to get to this tonight, but I just had to comment on this:

Now all I can think of is why isn’t Harold Lloyd a Super Smash Bros. character?  [pie]

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Nintendo probably didn’t want to make an organ theme song.

Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: Umbrella Sam on May 13, 2022, 02:35:13 PM ---Hoping to get to this tonight, but I just had to comment on this:

Now all I can think of is why isn’t Harold Lloyd a Super Smash Bros. character?  [pie]

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A new character has appeared!  It's Harold Lloyd!

His attacks include throwing hand grenades and burning you with his perpetually pre-lit cigarette.


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