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Easy Street (1917) - Charlie Chaplin

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--- Quote from: NoahYoung on April 26, 2022, 08:44:41 AM ---I rank this one just below THE CURE, THE IMMIGRANT, and THE ADVENTURER.

Regarding the Flicker Alley Mutual Restorations, there was quite a bit of controversy and fighting on forums between David Shepard (R.I.P.) and others regarding the projection speed used, which many felt was way to slow. In fact, none other than Skretvedt, in his amazon review, complained about that very thing. My solution -- use VLC media player, which is free, and set the speed to whatever you think looks best. Not an fps adjustment, but a decimal speedup or slowdown. For example, 1.04 will speed it up by 4%, but the length of the video will not change -- the clock will just tick faster. You can also set it to correct the pitch of the sound to compensate for the speed change.

The ironic thing is that many of us older folks first saw these Chaplin films on standard 8mm projectors that didn't project faster than 18 fps anyway.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I’ve heard the speed argument with all these Lobster sets, not just the Mutuals.  I’d have to run a back to back comparison to see if I were notice any enjoyment difference.  What I do know is I’m not a Van Buren score guy and like these scores, but that’s just a matter of taste.

What I do know is that some of these shorts in the Lobster restoration have footage I haven’t seen elsewhere, especially ONE A.M.

Good Ben Model article on the speed subject.

Yes, I think we talked about Ben Model and speeds before. He kinda contradicts himself, though. In other articles and videos, he shows how a faster speed makes a scene funny -- the scene in  A DOG'S LIFE with Chaplin and the employment agency. In the article you just posted, he says showing them slower doesn't affect the laughs.

Many years ago, I somehow got on his regular/physical mail list for "The Silent Clowns Series" in Manhattan. About once a year, I get a pamphlet with a screening schedule, or a letter asking for a donation!  >:D


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