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Number, Please? (1920) - Harold Lloyd

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I watched this short in awe at the theme park setting, I'm impressed by seeing rollercoasters in this time. In a way, it reminds me of the feature Speedy with the excellent Coney Island setting. There's even a much more family friendly mirror scene. I liked seeing the beach, too.

I think this is my favorite Harold Lloyd short, it's very entertaining throughout. The beginning is mostly about setting up the romantic rivalry, and as mentioned, the location shooting. The phone booth scene is quite funny, but admittedly being vocal based would work better in sound. I'm assuming that he's calling people that are speaking a language he can't understand, but it's not made entirely clear. My favorite part is when the purse is missing. It's funny seeing Harold throw the puss to get rid of the evidence only for kids playing baseball to hit it back. The scene with Ernie Morrison might be favorite ever use of the two people pretending to be one gag. It's looks very funny seeing a man that tall with a very small head, but oops the cover is blown and he's on the run from the cops again. Fantastic.


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