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The Rink (1916) - Charlie Chaplin

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Dr. Mabuse:
"The Rink" provides a bravura showcase for Chaplin’s versatility. Not only does the Little Fellow become a skater of remarkable agility, but he also mixes a cocktail with elaborate flourish. Charlie's engaging performance turns a serviceable farce into a hilarious ballet on wheels — nicely abetted by his colorful ensemble cast.

One of the best-known Mutual shorts, "The Rink" is a timeless slapstick gem. For uninitiated viewers, it remains the perfect introduction to Chaplin’s comic artistry. I should know, since "The Rink" was the first Chaplin film I ever watched.

Agreed, THE RINK is a great Chaplin introduction.  You’re lucky.

My first Chaplin film was A JITNEY ELOPMENT, far from ideal.  It wasn’t until I saw the features where I got Chaplin.  I like the Keystone and Essanay stuff more now, but for someone not acclimated to silent film, it was a little too out there for me at the time.


--- Quote from: metaldams on April 05, 2022, 06:04:46 AM ---Ice skating - must be the Canadian in you.  ;D  They’re actually roller skating.  They’re on wheels, not blades and no ice involved.  Still physically very impressive, I stink at roller skating and never even dared try ice skating.

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Wow, I watched this twice and both times thought he was ice skating.

Umbrella Sam:

--- Quote from: metaldams on April 05, 2022, 05:59:32 AM ---It’s a romantic mix up.  If I got this right, Eric Campbell and Henry Bergman’s characters are married.  Edna’s Dad is flirting with Henry’s character.  Eric Campbell is flirting with Edna.  Charlie is dating Edna.  They were all supposed to meet at the same party.

But yeah, the plot is OK, but agreed the actual physical comedy is the real selling point here.

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I understand that, but it still doesn’t make sense to me that everyone would freak out over Chaplin’s appearance. Eric and Henry’s characters have already found out about each other’s deceptions by this point, so what do they really have to lose by revealing they all know each other? If anything, Chaplin should be the only one freaking out since he’s lying about his identity to Edna.

Umbrella Sam:

--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on April 05, 2022, 06:15:13 PM ---Wow, I watched this twice and both times thought he was ice skating.

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Yeah, when I first saw it, I initially assumed they were ice skating as well before noticing the wheels. I don’t think I’ve ever been roller skating, but ice skating is pretty fun.


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