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Get Out and Get Under (1920) - Harold Lloyd

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Umbrella Sam:
I can see the perspective of the rival not doing anything wrong, but for me, I can give this one a bit of a pass because of the rival’s annoyingly perfect personality. He may not cause harm to Harold directly, but indirectly seems out to take everything from Harold. Just look at how excited he gets when he realizes he will take Harold’s part in the play; if there had at least been some hesitation there, then I could understand, but for me, Harold taking credit works for here, especially given all Harold had to deal with on the way. I do agree about how mean spirited he is to the gardener, though.

Overall, this is a consistently funny short. Sammy Morrison does a great job causing problems to Harold, my favorite moment probably being when he’s jumping up and down and making the car appear to be functioning. Add in a hilarious car chase with Harold constantly coming up with clever tricks such as moving the “road closed” sign and hiding in a tent, and you get a comedy that manages to flow very well despite mainly being focused on one scenario, which is of course the car having problems. Good short overall.


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