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Hard Knocks (1924) - Charley Chase

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Offline HomokHarcos

The next short The Perfect Lady is lost. According to IMDB the plot revolves around Charley Chase putting on a variety show in drag. Oliver Hardy may have appeared.

The next extant film, Hard Knocks, is more of the type of story I associate with Charley Chase as it is a workplace sitcom. The beginning is my favorite part. Charley's coworker gets a raise and Chase demands one too, only to be denied. His check is for 35 dollars, not sure if that was a lot or not much for back then. He is in love with the boss's daughter, but his boss prefers the other coworker. This is sounding kind of like Harold Lloyd territory. I think they could both make good use of similar stories.

Already I can say I much prefer Beth Darlington over Blanche Mehaffey. She is lively here and displays charisma. The boys fight over her. The climax is a fight scene between Charley Chase and Eddie Baker. The main comedy here comes not from the people in the fight but rather the police officer that gets hurt from objects falling out the window. Chase ends up saving the day and making things right. Why Eddie Baker had to rob the safe after getting a raise, I don't know but it does give a reason for Charley to be a hero.

Offline metaldams

This one is not quite as focused as the past two shorts, but it’s a pleasant enough one reeler nonetheless.  The beginning is a bit Lloyd like, but the most Lloyd like part to me is the creative bit of deception Chase is pulling off to make it look like he’s asking his boss for raise when in reality the boss is not in the room.  That idea of making impressions falsely and comically, very Lloyd.  The middle bit with the R.S.V.P. gag plays into a comedy of embarrassment that gets worked over quickly and then evolves into a straight fight with the rival.  Homok is right, the only real comic stuff in this scene is the projectiles falling out the window and hitting the police officer.  The shadow through the door romantic ending is a nice touch, but this one is a bit all over the place.
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Offline Umbrella Sam

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Another entertaining Charley Chase one reeler. I too was reminded of Lloyd with the coat in the office gag, which was really clever. I also really enjoy Noah Young as the butler and how he constantly just stands in the same position every time he appears, completely emotionless. The ending fight is quite intense for a comedy short, especially aided by the dark lighting, but it works and the gags with everything falling out the window are pretty funny. I especially love how the ending takes the the joke from earlier with Chase getting the wrong hat and makes it the closing gag with the officer. That’s a really clever way to spin something out of what I initially thought was just a throwaway joke. Overall, I think this one’s also pretty solid; I’m impressed with how consistent Chase was with these early shorts.
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Offline Paul Pain

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It seemed consistent to me.  Everything revolves around the premise of Charley wanting to marry the bosses daughter and having to outdo his rival for it.  Yes, the comedy in the second half relies on the cop reacting to stuff flying out the window, but it is definitely a Charley Chase short.  Even his approach the Lloyd-esque scene has Chase's unique touch on it.
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