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From Hand To Mouth (1919) - Harold Lloyd

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--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on January 18, 2022, 06:23:23 PM ---I believe Harold Lloyd was doing stunts, albeit with camera angles or sets designed to make them look much more dangerous than they actually were.

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For the most part, yes.  I still would be shocked if it’s him doing the 360 degree jump in BUMPING INTO BROADWAY, but Harold did a ton of stunts for sure.

The only case I know it’s not him is in SAFETY LAST!  Anytime you see a long shot of a guy climbing a building, it’s a stunt double.  I believe he plays Harold’s friend who climbs in the film and he also did similar stunts for Lon Chaney in THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME.

Umbrella Sam:
Yeah, from a story perspective, this short feels like a real step up from previous Lloyd two-reelers. It’s simple, but one that’s rooted in a certain sweetness in the relationship between Harold and Mildred, which to me was an essential part of most of those early Lloyd features like DR. JACK. It wasn’t always perfect (the romance in SAFETY LAST! in particular), but there was a certain chemistry between the two that was hard to deny. And, as Lloyd always did so well, there are some really excellent chases here, from the misunderstanding between the original two cops to the chase at the end where Lloyd has to get Mildred to the lawyer’s office in time and constantly finds different ways to provoke the cops. Another good short.

Allen Champion:
Harold never avoided destroying a pushcart vender's livelihood if he could help it.  His assault and mugging (not to mention getting him  arrested!)  of the poor slob who found the wallet doesn't endear him to me either.    [pie]


--- Quote from: Allen Champion on January 18, 2022, 10:10:35 PM ---Harold never avoided destroying a pushcart vender's livelihood if he could help it.  His assault and mugging (not to mention getting him  arrested!)  of the poor slob who found the wallet doesn't endear him to me either.    [pie]

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If this were real life I’d obviously agree, especially getting the man arrested.  If this were real life, I also don’t understand how a rich and attractive Mildred Davis, who can have anyone she wants, would fall for a homeless guy who broke into her house and stole her food.

But in the context of knockabout comedies coexisting with Sennett and for me, as someone who grew up on Moe Howard - I let these things slide.

There's a book ranking the 100 greatest silent film comedians, and he also made several complaints about how nasty Lloyd's character could be. Like metaldams I find the antics of Moe Howard, Bud Abbott, Eric Cartman and so on funny even though they would be very abusive from a real life perspective, but I understand mean spirited comedy is not everybody's cup of tea.


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