Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

The Floorwalker (1916) - Charlie Chaplin

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The reason silent films were measured in reels was because there was no standard frame rate, so there was no average run time.


--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on January 11, 2022, 05:16:12 PM ---The reason silent films were measured in reels was because there was no standard frame rate, so there was no average run time.

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Exactly.  I know some film makers had preferred frames per second rates for their films, but ultimately, it was the projectionist at the movie theater who had the final say.  I think average was 16 - 20 fps.   They had to make 24 fps standard for talkies because anything else voices started sounding unnatural.

As far as features, don’t quote me on this, but I believe four reels or more was the standard.

Umbrella Sam:
I guess my question was kind of odd now that I think about it. I was more wondering about whether adjusting the speed of each reel could be manipulated for theaters to get better pricing options, but came to realize that if they were determining the difference between shorts and features by the reels themselves anyway, then there was no way to get around that. My error.


--- Quote from: Umbrella Sam on January 11, 2022, 08:50:09 PM ---I guess my question was kind of odd now that I think about it. I was more wondering about whether adjusting the speed of each reel could be manipulated for theaters to get better pricing options, but came to realize that if they were determining the difference between shorts and features by the reels themselves anyway, then there was no way to get around that. My error.

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Actually, I think it would be better for the movie projectors to speed up the film so they can have more screenings (thus charge more admissions).

Paul Pain:
Film presentation was itself a bit of an artform in those days because not only did the film get played back at a speed of the operator's choice, but also because of making the music match with reel.

I'm honestly surprised this is a two reeler because if anything it seems to be played back at a normal or accelerated pace.


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