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Get Along, Little Zombie (1946) - Hugh Herbert and Dudley Dickerson

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--- Quote from: Allen Champion on October 26, 2021, 05:45:26 AM ---I love Hugh Herbert when he is not in THE BLACK CAT 1941.   Check him out in SH! THE OCTOPUS--which contains the single greatest movie scare of my childhood!  Dudley and Mantan may be the Funniest Men on Planet Earth.   I wonder if they ever teamed up?

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Sh! The Octopus is one I need to see.

I definitely like Hugh better here than in the ‘41 BLACK CAT, but it may be because I’m so distracted by a wasted Bela it’s hard to notice anything else.  I did overcome that hurdle with NIGHT MONSTER, though.

Paul Pain:
Now, I have watched plenty of scare comedies at Columbia.  We've discussed Schilling & Lane, Merkel & Langdon, Buster Keaton, The Three Stooges, solo Langdon, Herbert & Dickerson, etc. from these Columbia shorts.  Dare I say that this may be the very best "scare comedy" that the Columbia Shorts Department ever made?  If so, how ironic that such comes from the Bernds-McCollum team?

Monster wise the best is IDLE ROOMERS.  That Duke York Wolf Man make up is excellent.  I think that was a tie in to Columbia’s RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE, which was released at the same time and also had a Wolf Man character.

Comedy wise is up for more debate, but I’d give it to WHO DONE IT? 

Combining comedy and horror?  GET ALONG, LITTLE ZOMBIE is definitely a top contender.

Allen Champion:
Looking forward to revisiting non-Stooge Columbia scares. 

Umbrella Sam:
Overall, a short that’s kind of all over the place, taking two common Columbia tropes (marriage mix ups and scare comedies) and mixing them together. Like HomokHarcos, my main knowledge of Herbert comes from the Daffy Duck connection. Judging from this short alone, it seems his appeal comes from absentmindedness, which normally would be a positive; heck, I could see him pulling off a remake of I DON’T REMEMBER. Here, though, because so much is going on, it does feel like he kind of gets lost in the shuffle. Probably my favorite aspect of this short is Dick Curtis as the jealous husband. For all the confusion that’s happening, it’s funny seeing him descend into madness as the confusion gets worse. And, yes, the ending was later reused in DOPEY DICKS. Overall, it has some decent laughs (I particularly liked when Hugh smashes the vase on Dick Curtis), but as a whole it’s not a great showcase for Hugh Herbert specifically.


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