IMDB: next three shorts that are available are already reviewed as part of the Shemp Howard reviews. This brings us to A BUNDLE OF BLISS, which jumps us to the end of 1940. This short addresses two real facts about Andy: (1) he really was from Scotland (born in 1892), came to America in 1912, and became a US citizen in 1943; (2) Andy Clyde loved children and was devastated when his only son died from meningitis, per Jules White.
The IMDB reviews pan this short, and I can see why. This short was later reworked (in my opinion) for the Three Stooges as SOCK-A-BYE BABY and THREE LOAN WOLVES; it was a reworking of the 1935 Andy Clyde short I'M A FATHER; and these were all re-gelled for Hugh Herbert as OH, BABY! It's a confusing set of shorts, but this one ranks higher than some of the others. Much as how in the Three Stooges versions it's obvious how much the boy genuinely are enjoying the short, it's obvious here and makes this one seem better than it is.
The short goes like this: Andy gets into repeated false accusations as a result of mistakenly thinking his wife went away for several months because she was pregnant... but instead she brought home bagpipes and a kilt. From there, it's Andy running into a baby and having repeated issues as a result of the baby, and all of them lead to people jumping to rude conclusions and Andy having to clear them up. But, there are some funny moments along the way.
Andy is having too much fun in this one and as a result delivers one of his best performances period. This includes the Shemp shorts and LASSIE. Fred Kelsey is also great as the curmudgeonly officer who hassles Andy constantly. The rest of the cast is solid, but it is flawed because of the previously mentioned false accusations that Andy constantly battles. If I go into details, it'll spoil the short, but I did audibly laugh several times.
Just watch it. You won't regret it but won't be in love with it either.
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