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So This is Africa (1933) - Wheeler and Woolsey

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Dr. Mabuse:

--- Quote from: metaldams on July 15, 2021, 08:47:56 PM ---I think Fields (surprisingly) survived the code much better than Bert and Bob.  Fields still made some classics - even IT’S A GIFT is a few months after the code started.  Bert and Bob?  No code classics.

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Like Mae West and Betty Boop (and, to a lesser degree, The Marx Brothers), the Production Code really did a number on Wheeler and Woolsey. Fields, on the other hand, won more censorship battles than he lost — with "The Bank Dick" (directed by a loyal and sympathetic Edward Cline) his crowning achievement.

I am in agreement, while there are films that are technically well made, like Kentucky Kernels and The Nitwits, the later Wheeler and Woolsey films are mostly misses. The two lowest points being Mummy's Boys and On Again, Off Again, the latter being the only W&W film that made me genuinely angry. The worst of the bunch were directed by Fred Guiol, a former Roach guy. I think that, even if Woolsey hadn't died in 1938, RKO would have likely dropped them anyway as their films, by that time, only lost money.

Speaking of code Wheeler and Woolsey, I just got a copy of THE RAINMAKERS and plan on watching it this weekend.  Literally the only starring vehicle of theirs I haven’t seen yet.

I watched STIA, DIPLOMANIACS and SILLY BILLIES this week.  The contrast between the last and first two is incredible.

Sorry I haven't reviewed this one yet. I want to watch the Wheeler and Woolsey movies in chronological order (I've only seen Rio Rita yet) but I might post my thoughts when I get there.


--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on July 21, 2021, 06:36:24 PM ---Sorry I haven't reviewed this one yet. I want to watch the Wheeler and Woolsey movies in chronological order (I've only seen Rio Rita yet) but I might post my thoughts when I get there.

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I still need to see Rio Rita (in the technical sense, not a starring vehicle).  Will give fair warning, Dixiana is rough sledding, but the other early films are all very good.  I did review The Cuckoos, which would be next for you to see.


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