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Look at what I found

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Offline Dunrobin

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Proving that some things never really disappear from the Internet, I found this page that my brother made some twenty-three years ago:

I am so tempted to make that flag the logo for the forum, just to piss off the perpetually offended bozos of the world, but since Doug would probably have to bear the brunt of the idiots' outrage, I suppose I'll be nice and refrain.   ::)

But I really wanna!   [pie]

Offline metaldams

Proving that some things never really disappear from the Internet, I found this page that my brother made some twenty-three years ago:

I am so tempted to make that flag the logo for the forum, just to piss off the perpetually offended bozos of the world, but since Doug would probably have to bear the brunt of the idiots' outrage, I suppose I'll be nice and refrain.   ::)

But I really wanna!   [pie]

Yeah, this overly sensitive culture depresses me. 

Rob, I’ve been posting for what, close to twenty years?   Back then, I think most people would’ve gotten the joke, being a Stooge board and all. 

These days - fuggedaboutit!  We’d be branded Nazis, never mind this site being a tribute to five Jews and one Gentile,  Then again, the term Nazi is thrown around so much these days I think the original meaning is lost.

Off my soapbox now.

...and I just clicked the link, dig those 1998 graphics!  The very early Internet days, I remember them well.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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You can still find traces of my old Tripod member sites, and they were obviously designed for much lower resolutions than we tend to use these days.  ("Best viewed at 1024 x 768 or greater resolution, with Internet Explorer 4+ or Netscape 4+")  :laugh:

I had multiple Tripod accounts, because you only got so much room to use and I kept running out of space. Considering how many thousands of pages are available these days on, it's a good thing I taught myself programming.  lol

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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  • Vici Kid
I might predate Metaldams by a bit (not to brag, just to put him in perspective) ..
here is my Three Official Membership Certificate dating Nov. 6, 2001
(the name was changed to protect the poster)

I can't say that the "Rights and  Privileges" have gotten me any cheaper prices at, but I'm a member!

I believe I was posting at as far back as the late 90's .... Dunrobin can prove this.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.