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Silent Footsteps across Los Angeles with John Bengtson

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Offline falsealarms

A presentation with film historian and author John Bengtson. For over 20 years, John has researched the visual history of early Hollywood and other vintage locations as depicted in classic movies featuring silent film comedians Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd. He combines image clips from the movies with archival photographs, historic maps and scores of then-and-now comparison to create a stunning work of cinematic archeology.

John’s work has resulted in several books as well as a blog that is continuously updated with new findings.

In this webinar, John focuses on silent movie locations in Downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood.

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Just wanted to add to the above, as John is a friend and he is THE BEST at finding filming locations.

Here's his blog:

Offline NoahYoung

Do you guys get access to official studio reports that list addressess, or do you do it entirely by looking for clues on the films themselves? thnx
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Do you guys get access to official studio reports that list addressess, or do you do it entirely by looking for clues on the films themselves? thnx

Depends who is doing the looking.

I haven't looked through any studio documents. I don't think John Bengtson has either.

Jim Pauley likely did, as he seemed to have access to sites on the main Columbia lot for his (first) book, so I imagine he also took advantage of any opportunity that presented itself to review the old Columbia records. BTW... he just finished up a second book. Haven't read it yet, but looking forward to it.

Randy Skretvedt used Hal Roach Studios docs for all the editions of his Laurel & Hardy: The Magic Behind The Movies books.

The "pioneers" in this field though are Bob Satterfield and Jim Wiley. They actually drove up and down the streets of Los Angeles and Culver City back in the 80s, looking for these locations.

Offline NoahYoung


I grew up in the neighborhood where they filmed SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. They filmed while we were in school, though. It was the opposite of your role -- when I saw the film (several years later -- it was rated R) I recognized the locations. When you see my school, I'm actually in the building at the time! I spent plenty of time by the "el" train where the opening scene was filmed with Travolta walking down the street. Even ate at the pizza place (Lenny's) as well as the White Castle in the film many times before and after the picture came out. By the mid-80s, the White Castle was gone.

I watched them film a scene of THE LORDS OF FLATBUSH, right down the street from my house. Met Henry Winkler and Sylvester Stallone before they were famous. I was like 8.

I recognize some locations in the Fatty Arbuckle talkies filmed in Brooklyn, notably "Hey, Pop!"
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios


I grew up in the neighborhood where they filmed SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. They filmed while we were in school, though. It was the opposite of your role -- when I saw the film (several years later -- it was rated R) I recognized the locations. When you see my school, I'm actually in the building at the time! I spent plenty of time by the "el" train where the opening scene was filmed with Travolta walking down the street. Even ate at the pizza place (Lenny's) as well as the White Castle in the film many times before and after the picture came out. By the mid-80s, the White Castle was gone.

I watched them film a scene of THE LORDS OF FLATBUSH, right down the street from my house. Met Henry Winkler and Sylvester Stallone before they were famous. I was like 8.

I recognize some locations in the Fatty Arbuckle talkies filmed in Brooklyn, notably "Hey, Pop!"

When I worked in NYC in the 80s/90s/2000s it seemed like the office buildings I was working in were ALWAYS being used as filming locations. The first few times it was amusing, but it soon got to be a nuisance. The worst was when I was working at 26 Broadway. That lobby was a VERY popular filming location.

Offline NoahYoung

I've been in 26 Broadway many times -- I worked a few blocks away, but my business users were there. I was in Information Technology.

I don't think I ever saw any filming going on, though.

I used to see celebrities all the time in mid-town when I worked across the street from Rockefeller Center.
Ed McMahon, Paul Schaffer, Al Franken, a few others. Passed Christopher Reeve once while walking down the street, but not near there. Passed Jackie Mason a few times -- he always waved to everyone. Downtown I onced walked by Harvey Keitel. Saw Cindy Crawford signing her calendar in Citicorp Center. Once saw Kim Alexis in a small tie store in Rockefeller Center while I was shopping for ties -- I think it was called The Tie Rack.

I've seen Willie Randolph several times here in Jersey -- he lives a few towns away. I had met him a few times at Yankee Stadium and other Yankee events. My wife (who is not a baseball fan) says she thinks she saw him picking up food from an Italian restaurant a few weeks ago. Then once when my dad was in the emergency room, he was there with I'm guessing his mom.

I watched them film a scene from GHOSTBUSTERS when I was a student at Columbia University -- Bill Murray and Dan Ackroyd. Also met Bill Murray at a Sons of the Desert meeting.

Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

I've been in 26 Broadway many times -- I worked a few blocks away, but my business users were there. I was in Information Technology.

I don't think I ever saw any filming going on, though.

I used to see celebrities all the time in mid-town when I worked across the street from Rockefeller Center.
Ed McMahon, Paul Schaffer, Al Franken, a few others. Passed Christopher Reeve once while walking down the street, but not near there. Passed Jackie Mason a few times -- he always waved to everyone. Downtown I onced walked by Harvey Keitel. Saw Cindy Crawford signing her calendar in Citicorp Center. Once saw Kim Alexis in a small tie store in Rockefeller Center while I was shopping for ties -- I think it was called The Tie Rack.

I've seen Willie Randolph several times here in Jersey -- he lives a few towns away. I had met him a few times at Yankee Stadium and other Yankee events. My wife (who is not a baseball fan) says she thinks she saw him picking up food from an Italian restaurant a few weeks ago. Then once when my dad was in the emergency room, he was there with I'm guessing his mom.

I watched them film a scene from GHOSTBUSTERS when I was a student at Columbia University -- Bill Murray and Dan Ackroyd. Also met Bill Murray at a Sons of the Desert meeting.

Wow, you've seen a lot more celebrities than I did when I lived in NYC!

26 Broadway wouldn't let anyone film until after 6pm and I usually didn't leave the office until 7p or 7:30p in those days so I had to walk right through the "film set" all those times in the lobby.

Offline NoahYoung

Keith Hernandez was next to me on line at the supermarket once, too, after he retired as a player. Being a Yankee fan, I didn't say hello.
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Keith Hernandez was next to me on line at the supermarket once, too, after he retired as a player. Being a Yankee fan, I didn't say hello.

You're starting to get me thinking... I wonder how many famous people I may have passed on the street when I lived in NYC!

Offline NoahYoung

Also, you might have passed me!

I'm trying to remember others.

Waiting for a light right across from my apartment -- Bernie Kopell. (I'm pretty sure it was him.)  In the lobby of a friend's apartment -- Burt Young. (He lived there.) Another friend's apartment -- Ed Koch in the lobby -- he lived there. I had heard that Patrick Stewart was living in my apartment building while appearing on Broadway, but I never saw him.

After I moved, I later discovered that the outside of my apartment building was in an episode of THE ODD COUPLE. I noticed it when I got the DVD set of the whole series. I had to freeze-frame to be sure. But that of course was filmed some 25 years before I lived there.

Someone told me that Tina Louise (Ginger from GILLIGAN'S ISLAND) lived near me when I lived at that appt. and that she attended the same Church my wife and I used to go to, but I never spotted her. I did spot Mario Cuomo at that Church once, though.

Once passed Gene Rayburn. Gilbert Gottfried. Vanessa Williams twice -- once on the streets of NYC, the other at an outlet mall in Harriman NY -- Woodbury Commons. She was nowhere near as gorgeous in person without make-up and in plain clothes. And both sightings were over 20 years ago.

I'm good at spotting -- but perhaps there were ones I didn't even spot!

Plus, I think I mentioned it before, I actually met Anthony Quinn and his son at Yankee Stadium and shook their hands. It wasn't in the stands but in the lobby of the front office. Joe D. was there, too, which I also mentioned before.

Also met and got an autograph of Jon Lovitz and a few other new (at the time) cast members of SNL -- got Joan Cusack's autograph, too. I think Nora Dunne was with them too, but didn't get an autograph. This was also at a Yankee game. It was their first season and I didn't even know who they were since I had stopped watching the show, but my friend recognized them. They were only a few seats away from us. Weird to ask for autographs from people you don't even recognize!

Another time in Rockefeller Center late at night I chatted for a minute with a guy in the SNL band who I recognized since he had been with Hall & Oates at one time -- which is what I asked him about. His name is G.E. Smith.

Probably the biggest in terms of number was when my friends and I were having drinks in the lobby of the NYC Hilton, and all of a sudden one after another celebs started walking in. They had been rehearsing one of those "Night of a hundred stars" or something like that at Radio City Music Hall. I got a bunch of autographs -- Muhammed Ali, Rich Little, Robert Loggia.  I think a few lesser known people whose names I can't remember right now. Ali started doing some magic tricks with a handkerchief. It was amazing since he was already ill and could barely talk. What's funny is that my "autograph pad" was a pad of paper in my briefcase from work, so it actually had my name and office phone number on it -- as Ali began to sign, he somehow didn't like it, so he tore it off and stuck it in his pocket -- then signed again for me. (He never called me, btw!)

At a bar of a restaurant -- suddenly Andy Rooney walked in to have dinner.
Outside that same restaurant -- passed Jim Nabors. Also Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy once.

Was in The Mysterious Bookshop in mid-town (50-something street location) browsing, and so was Armand Assante! (He was born in NYC.)

I was watching Seinfeld's "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" a few years ago on Netflix, when I recognized that he was in the next town over from me here in Joisy. He was with a guy from SNL whose name I can't think of right now who apparently lives there. There's a bookstore in that town that attracts celebrity signings when they have written a book (of course), and maybe 10 years ago, give or take, Roger Moore was there -- but I didn't go. How odd, 007 in Joisy! It's a hole in the wall store with a crappy selection, too. I've always suspected that it's a front for the mob!

I heard that Rosie O'Donnell lives in another town next to me (not where Seinfeld was) but I've never seen her. (I'm not a fan of hers, anyway.)

Ah, memories.
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Also, you might have passed me!

I'm trying to remember others.

Waiting for a light right across from my apartment -- Bernie Kopell. (I'm pretty sure it was him.)  In the lobby of a friend's apartment -- Burt Young. (He lived there.) Another friend's apartment -- Ed Koch in the lobby -- he lived there. I had heard that Patrick Stewart was living in my apartment building while appearing on Broadway, but I never saw him.

After I moved, I later discovered that the outside of my apartment building was in an episode of THE ODD COUPLE. I noticed it when I got the DVD set of the whole series. I had to freeze-frame to be sure. But that of course was filmed some 25 years before I lived there.

Someone told me that Tina Louise (Ginger from GILLIGAN'S ISLAND) lived near me when I lived at that appt. and that she attended the same Church my wife and I used to go to, but I never spotted her. I did spot Mario Cuomo at that Church once, though.

Once passed Gene Rayburn. Gilbert Gottfried. Vanessa Williams twice -- once on the streets of NYC, the other at an outlet mall in Harriman NY -- Woodbury Commons. She was nowhere near as gorgeous in person without make-up and in plain clothes. And both sightings were over 20 years ago.

I'm good at spotting -- but perhaps there were ones I didn't even spot!

Plus, I think I mentioned it before, I actually met Anthony Quinn and his son at Yankee Stadium and shook their hands. It wasn't in the stands but in the lobby of the front office. Joe D. was there, too, which I also mentioned before.

Also met and got an autograph of Jon Lovitz and a few other new (at the time) cast members of SNL -- got Joan Cusack's autograph, too. I think Nora Dunne was with them too, but didn't get an autograph. This was also at a Yankee game. It was their first season and I didn't even know who they were since I had stopped watching the show, but my friend recognized them. They were only a few seats away from us. Weird to ask for autographs from people you don't even recognize!

Another time in Rockefeller Center late at night I chatted for a minute with a guy in the SNL band who I recognized since he had been with Hall & Oates at one time -- which is what I asked him about. His name is G.E. Smith.

Probably the biggest in terms of number was when my friends and I were having drinks in the lobby of the NYC Hilton, and all of a sudden one after another celebs started walking in. They had been rehearsing one of those "Night of a hundred stars" or something like that at Radio City Music Hall. I got a bunch of autographs -- Muhammed Ali, Rich Little, Robert Loggia.  I think a few lesser known people whose names I can't remember right now. Ali started doing some magic tricks with a handkerchief. It was amazing since he was already ill and could barely talk. What's funny is that my "autograph pad" was a pad of paper in my briefcase from work, so it actually had my name and office phone number on it -- as Ali began to sign, he somehow didn't like it, so he tore it off and stuck it in his pocket -- then signed again for me. (He never called me, btw!)

At a bar of a restaurant -- suddenly Andy Rooney walked in to have dinner.
Outside that same restaurant -- passed Jim Nabors. Also Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy once.

Was in The Mysterious Bookshop in mid-town (50-something street location) browsing, and so was Armand Assante! (He was born in NYC.)

I was watching Seinfeld's "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" a few years ago on Netflix, when I recognized that he was in the next town over from me here in Joisy. He was with a guy from SNL whose name I can't think of right now who apparently lives there. There's a bookstore in that town that attracts celebrity signings when they have written a book (of course), and maybe 10 years ago, give or take, Roger Moore was there -- but I didn't go. How odd, 007 in Joisy! It's a hole in the wall store with a crappy selection, too. I've always suspected that it's a front for the mob!

I heard that Rosie O'Donnell lives in another town next to me (not where Seinfeld was) but I've never seen her. (I'm not a fan of hers, anyway.)

Ah, memories.

So here's what I came up with:

I saw Ed Koch crossing the street once near Columbus Circle. I was surprised at how tall he was.

When I worked at 47th Street and Third Avenue, a group of us were going to lunch at a restaurant over on 2nd Avenue and up a few blocks. On one of those blocks between 2nd and 3rd Avenues was where Katherine Hepburn lived and I remember seeing her come out of the apartment (it was a brownstone, not one of those big high rises), get something from out of a waiting car and going back into the building.

And I think that is the full extent of my famous people sightings in NYC.

Offline NoahYoung

I don't remember Ed Koch being overly tall, but I'm almost 6'1" myself.
Once at a Yankee game he went around the stands shaking hands, including mine.
Must have been when he was up for re-election.

The person I really wanted to meet, but never did, was Cary Grant, since he went to Yankee Stadium a lot.

I saw Tony Bennett go into J&R Music World when one of his new CDs came out -- I think he was there to sign it. It was my lunch hour, as I worked about a block away but didn't go in. A few years later I saw him in concert at Radio City, though.

The Monkees gave a mini-concert between the Twin Towers one afternoon at lunch -- but it was just Mickey Dolenz and Davey Jones. Mid -90s.

Chick Corea also was playing piano one day while I was inside J&R Music World. Also saw Jane Monheit singing there when one of her first CDs came out. (I had never heard of her then. Most people probably still haven't heard of her if they're not into Jazz singing.) No lines or anything, I just walked in to buy some CDs and they were there performing (not on the same day, though.). A few other jazz people showed up from time to time as well, but no one well known. Too bad that store closed a few years ago. I enjoyed their Jazz festival they had every fall in City Hall Park, I think.
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

I don't remember Ed Koch being overly tall, but I'm almost 6'1" myself.
Once at a Yankee game he went around the stands shaking hands, including mine.
Must have been when he was up for re-election.

The person I really wanted to meet, but never did, was Cary Grant, since he went to Yankee Stadium a lot.

I saw Tony Bennett go into J&R Music World when one of his new CDs came out -- I think he was there to sign it. It was my lunch hour, as I worked about a block away but didn't go in. A few years later I saw him in concert at Radio City, though.

The Monkees gave a mini-concert between the Twin Towers one afternoon at lunch -- but it was just Mickey Dolenz and Davey Jones. Mid -90s.

Chick Corea also was playing piano one day while I was inside J&R Music World. Also saw Jane Monheit singing there when one of her first CDs came out. (I had never heard of her then. Most people probably still haven't heard of her if they're not into Jazz singing.) No lines or anything, I just walked in to buy some CDs and they were there performing (not on the same day, though.). A few other jazz people showed up from time to time as well, but no one well known. Too bad that store closed a few years ago. I enjoyed their Jazz festival they had every fall in City Hall Park, I think.

Too bad there weren't cell phones in those days - think of all the photos with famous people you could have had!

Offline NoahYoung

Nah, I was never that type.  Even back then I rarely talked to anyone I spotted randomly.

I can meet Chistina Ricci in a few weeks since she is appearing at the bookstore in the next town. Probably won't go, though.

The celebrities I would be really excited to meet are all dead now.

Did I mention I used to know Art Shamsky? (If anyone here even knows who he is -- now known to many only because of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND.) He was actually friendly with my father, and he ran a restaurant in downtown NYC with another of my father's friends who threw batting practice for the Yankees and Mets. The batting practice guy came to our house a few times, including one Thanksgiving. So I spoke with him and Shamsky a lot.
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Nah, I was never that type.  Even back then I rarely talked to anyone I spotted randomly.

I can meet Chistina Ricci in a few weeks since she is appearing at the bookstore in the next town. Probably won't go, though.

The celebrities I would be really excited to meet are all dead now.

Did I mention I used to know Art Shamsky? (If anyone here even knows who he is -- now known to many only because of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND.) He was actually friendly with my father, and he ran a restaurant in downtown NYC with another of my father's friends who threw batting practice for the Yankees and Mets. The batting practice guy came to our house a few times, including one Thanksgiving. So I spoke with him and Shamsky a lot.

Now that you mentioned NYC restaurants... I ate at "Grampa" Al Lewis' restaurant on Bleecker Street several times in the 1980s. Best of those visits was when I brought my grandparents (both lifetime NYC residents) and MY "Grampa" talked to "Grampa" Al Lewis for at least a half hour after dinner. Al was quite a character!

Offline NoahYoung

I never went there, but I heard about it.

Actually, the batting practice pitcher I knew (Tony Ferrara) was also an actor and appeared in THE NATURAL as a coach, but no lines, and he was the advisor for all the baseball scenes.

Shamsky established a baseball league in Israel, and Tony went there for awhile as a coach.

He was 3 years older than my father, but lied about his age, and had told my father he was about 10-15 years younger. My father told me he never believed him!

The last time I saw Tony was around the early 90s.

He segued into the fact that he was in THE NATURAL every chance he could get! He was sitting at our table at a Yankees homecoming dinner once, and the tables were numbered. He pointed at the number and said: "That's the number I wore in THE NATURAL!" That night during the cocktail hour, he introduced me to Rickey Henderson, which was fun. Rickey asked me, "Do you know what they're serving for dinner?" I guess he was hungry! :)

When I met Joe D that time, he asked me who was pitching that night!

I met Phi Rizzuto several times. Once it was opening day, and Colin Powell was throwing out the first pitch. The Scooter asked me the correct pronunciation of his first name, since he was of course announcing the game that day.

What this all has to do with the topic of this thread -- I haven't a clue!
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz