I need to look up how they did on WASHEE IRONEE now. Sometimes they cut out a lot of the laundry scene, including on the first DVDs. I believe it was corrected at some point.
These companies need to hire knowledeable collectors as consultants on these releases. They will catch everything that may fall through the cracks.
Guess where nothing fell through the cracks? On the original Blackhawk Our Gang releases on real film!

The Blackhawk version of BEAR SHOOTERS on youtube is also missing the scenes, and is different from my Super 8 Blackhawk print. Probably because they didn't want to show lips moving with no sound.
'm curious what the source was, since that was not one of the shorts with Blackhawk titles on the Genius DVD set. I know it's PD, but the PD releases would have copied it from another video source and wouldn't have gone to the trouble of scanning a Blackhawk print.
Blackhawk themselves released the Our Gang shorts on their own VHS tapes in the early 80s, but that video doesn't look like a VHS source was used. I'm not sure what was released on laser disc prior to the Cabin Fever releases -- and I'm not sure if those were ever released on laser. I have some Republic Pictures VHS tapes which used the Blackhawk video masters, but I'm pretty sure BEAR SHOOTERS was not re-issued by Republic, since they stuck mostly to the Spanky era, with a handful of exceptions. I need to do some more research.
This site lists companies that released Our Gang on video. The link is hidden from the main site, for some reason:
https://www.theluckycorner.com/vc/Many possibilites, but from what I've seen, not all identify enough details of the BEAR SHOOTERS source used.
Again, my point is I would find it hard to believe that those PD releases would scan a print rather than just use another video release as the source.