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Pistol Packin' Nitwits (1945) - El Brendel & Harry Langdon

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Paul Pain:

REQUIRED READING: OUT WEST (Three Stooges) discussion

PISTOL PACKIN' NITWITS was an astounding disaster.  Harry Langdon, who is only listed as a co-star on all posters for this even though he receives above-the-title billing, passed away from a cerebral hemorrhage before this was released.  Harry Edwards was fired mid-production, and the short was finished by Edward Bernds.

Worst part of this is that it's one of the worst short subjects I have ever watched.  Plot is pathetic, acting is weak... except of course for Dick Curtis and Christine McIntyre.  Dick is great in his role, and Christine is always a quality dish.  But... nearly any other actor could have done better in El and Harry's roles.

A special nod to Roscoe Arbuckle's OUT WEST with the concept of an "invincible man."

Folks, I hate to do this, but the Harry Langdon series ends with a...

BURN IN HELLTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/10 [poke] [poke] [poke]

Won’t be able to get to this one in a bit, but want to quickly add The Three Stooges OUT WEST also should be mentioned as it’s almost the same script, from what I remember.

When I get around to this one, I will have much to say.

This short was pretty dire. Usually these Columbia comedies move at so quick a pace that you're not thinking if they're bad, but this one was not one of those fast-paced funny shorts. Harry Langdon is obviously not in good health, he looks like an old man. It's sad that the poster doesn't even show Harry on it aside from a cast listing. It's odd that they want to give El Brendel the whole billing, because this was his last short there also. It was awesome seeing Christine McIntyre as a tough woman here, usually she's more of a damsel in distress. She even gets to sing a song that's not opera.

After Charley Chase died in 1940, Buster Keaton left in 1941 and now with Harry Langdon dead, all the major silent comedians are gone from Columbia.

Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: metaldams on March 06, 2021, 08:53:19 AM ---Won’t be able to get to this one in a bit, but want to quickly add The Three Stooges OUT WEST also should be mentioned as it’s almost the same script, from what I remember.

--- End quote ---

Duly noted and added to my original post.

Here is one of the previously mentioned posters:

Dr. Mabuse:
A sad farewell for the great Langdon, who deserved much better. Painful to sit through.



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