Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

Odor in the Court (1934) - Clark and McCullough

<< < (4/4)

Paul Pain:
This short was absolutely insane, but I say this in a good way.  After seeing how fast Clark works, it's no wonder McCullough was considered second fiddle, but man is he perfect as Clark's henchman.  It's truly awful what happened to Paul McCullough.

Wow, does this short show all disdain for order, semblance, authority, and all things moral and right.  We get some raunchy jokes about women's figures, we have sexualized blackmail, we have divorce, abuse, and drunkenness in the courtroom, and we have a savage nihilism from Clark.  What a wild mix it makes.

What has been previously said cannot be topped, but I must say I loved the use of camera angles fo create the effects seen throughout the short.  And we get to see a prime Tom Kennedy taking some heavy abuse.

What a barrel of energy these two are.  Especially astounding is the way they just play off words in rapid succession that makes Groucho Marx look sluggish.

I liked it.


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