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The Farrelley Brothers Stooge Movie...

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Offline 3Stooges

It looks like this film is progressing....The Internet Movie Database has resently been updated for this film with some cast members.

Here's the link...

Pilsner Panther

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I checked out the IMDB listing, and there's something strange going on there— why have they cast a woman as Curly? I mean, I'm all for equality of the sexes, but... but...

 ??? ??? ???

Offline shemps#1

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Before they had Demi Moore as Moe and Drew Barrymore as "Lari".

First they made the shittiest movie involving the Red Sox that could possibly be made, then they insist on continuing with the shit. I urge everyone to skip this one when it comes out.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Dunrobin

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It's kind of amazing, in a way.  They manage to take an already crappy idea and make it even shittier every time I turn around.  Comedy III should protect the value of their copyright and flush this project down the toilet, where it belongs.

Pilsner Panther

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It's kind of amazing, in a way.  They manage to take an already crappy idea and make it even shittier every time I turn around.  Comedy III should protect the value of their copyright and flush this project down the toilet, where it belongs.

A definite future Razzie Award winner, and I'd put money on that:

You heard it from me first (I need a crystal ball smiley here).

Never having been in the movie biz, I've often wondered why it never seems to dawn on studios, producers and directors that they're about to bring forth a prize turkey. That is, has anybody ever said, in the middle of a shoot, "You know, this just isn't working... let's forget about it"? Then, they shut down the production and everyone goes home.

Apparently, that's never happened, judging from the 23 years worth of prime stinkeroonies on that Razzies list!

I actually liked "Mommie Dearest," though...


Offline BeAStooge

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Some perspective...

Over a year ago, Warner Brothers dropped its option to produce the movie.  As far as I know (specifically, as of three weeks ago when I was in LA and had ocassion to speak with a couple WB execs), the studio has no intention to pick it up again.  The last official news, from the Farrellys themselves in a recent interview, they are shopping it around and cannot interest another studio; they're exploring financing it themselves, maybe.

Imdb information is prone to misleading information from inventive publicists and licensors, and the ocassional jokester who sneaks bogus information past some clueless imdb editor.  The imdb entry contradicts last year's New Yorker Magazine article about the Farrellys' Stooge project, and it incorrectly lists WB as the producing studio.

Until I read some official publicity verification, I will presume this latest imdb entry to be as full of it as it appears.

Pilsner Panther

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Some perspective...

Over a year ago, Warner Brothers dropped its option to produce the movie.  As far as I know (specifically, as of three weeks ago when I was in LA and had ocassion to speak with a couple WB execs), the studio has no intention to pick it up again.  The last official news, from the Farrellys themselves in a recent interview, they are shopping it around and cannot interest another studio; they're exploring financing it themselves, maybe.

Imdb information is prone to misleading information from inventive publicists and licensors, and the ocassional jokester who sneaks bogus information past some clueless imdb editor.  The imdb entry contradicts last year's New Yorker Magazine article about the Farrellys' Stooge project, and it incorrectly lists WB as the producing studio.

Until I read some official publicity verification, I will presume this latest imdb entry to be as full of it as it appears.

Something struck me as strange about the idea of casting a female Curly, as I said. This does have the earmarks of a hoax; I don't know what kind of fact-checking procedures are in place at IMDB (if any), but to give you another, parallel example, pranksters have slipped some phony, made-up entries into Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, because anyone can submit or edit an entry, and there's little or no vetting of the contents before they go online. The web is not like a print newspaper or magazine, where every effort is made to ensure accuracy— but even they still get caught short sometimes, as the New York Times did a couple of years ago with reporter Jayson Blair, who was phoning in completely bogus stories, lounging around in hotel rooms at company expense when he was supposedly out covering them.

I wondered if my leg was being pulled there, but then I thought, "Hell, there are so many unbelievably lousy movie ideas around these days— and a lot of them get produced— why not a woman playing Curly Howard?" I went back and forth on this, first thinking that it was totally absurd; but then I looked at the actress's picture, and she has kind of a chubby face, so if you shaved her head... hmm...

So I couldn't totally rule out that this was for real, especially coming from the Farrelly brothers. If this is a prank, it's a pretty good one if it even had ultra-skeptical me going for a while!


Offline Dunrobin

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The last official news, from the Farrellys themselves in a recent interview, they are shopping it around and cannot interest another studio; they're exploring financing it themselves, maybe.
I honestly hope that they do.  It would serve them right when it goes down the toilet, financially.  >:D

Imdb information is prone to misleading information from inventive publicists and licensors, and the ocassional jokester who sneaks bogus information past some clueless imdb editor.  The imdb entry contradicts last year's New Yorker Magazine article about the Farrellys' Stooge project, and it incorrectly lists WB as the producing studio.

Until I read some official publicity verification, I will presume this latest imdb entry to be as full of it as it appears.
A very good point, and one I should have thought of and pointed out myself.  You should always be a little dubious about the information on IMDb, especially about films that haven't been released yet.

Still, somehow I wouldn't put it completely past the Farrellys...   ::)

Offline Dunrobin

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Pilsner Panther

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I'll tell you, Rob, honesty is every bit as hard to find nowadays as when Diogenes went looking for it with a lantern in the daytime. Here's the full Jayson Blair story:

That was two years ago, and in the interim, the guy has published a book, of the "poor little me, I was the victim" variety. Yeah, right— you almost have to admire such monumental chutzpah and such brass balls...


What's changed since then, though, is that now anyone at all can put up a blog and say whatever they want there, be it true or false. I have no argument with that, since it's good old American Freedom of Speech— perhaps our most basic cultural value— finally coming of age, but what worries me is the mass audience's (increasing) inability to discern fact from PR horseshit and general bullpuckey, or even from obvious parody. Very few people seem to have an active critical sense any more, and Hunter S. Thompson checked himself out too soon.,1518,370507,00.html


Poli Sci- slash- Journalism - 101 is dismissed for now, so over to you... I'm going to go watch a Stooges short, to bring me back to reality... Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!

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Offline ProfessorStooge

I think this Stooge movie is gonna bomb in the theaters. The only people who can do the comedy of the Three Stooges are the Three Stooges themselves.

Offline 3Stooges

Like most of you, I'm also against a new live action Stooge Movie. I think that, if C3 insists on creating something new, I'd much rather have a new Stooge cartoon TV series. 2 10 minute shorts in a 1/2 hour series... Especially since there's never been a good Stooge cartoon, I think there’s an opportunity to do something good. The 1965 series sucked and the Robotic Stooges sucked even more. There would be less comparison than if it was live action and I think it would be more accepted than having live actors trying to copy the Stooges. Something geared towards adults like Ren and Stimpy with over exaggerated violence. Billy West doing Larry Fine of course.

What do you guys think about a cartoon series?

Pilsner Panther

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Like most of you, I'm also against a new live action Stooge Movie. I think that, if C3 insists on creating something new, I'd much rather have a new Stooge cartoon TV series. 2 10 minute shorts in a 1/2 hour series... Especially since there's never been a good Stooge cartoon, I think there’s an opportunity to do something good. The 1965 series sucked and the Robotic Stooges sucked even more. There would be less comparison than if it was live action and I think it would be more accepted than having live actors trying to copy the Stooges. Something geared towards adults like Ren and Stimpy with over exaggerated violence. Billy West doing Larry Fine of course.

What do you guys think about a cartoon series?

Not such a good idea. Billy West has said that he based Stimpy's voice to some extent on Larry's, so who would be better qualified to do an animated Larry? Still, it wouldn't work— back in the 60's, Tex Avery nailed the problem once and for all time: "They attempted to do a Laurel and Hardy cartoon series. Well, my goodness, you can't capture their timing and their facial expressions and all that." (Quoted from "Tex Avery, King of Cartoons," by Joe Adamson).

And there you have it.

Offline wakkyjaky

I agree with you Professor, that these movie people whoever they are should leave well enough alone. That goes for remakes of old TV shows as well.