Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

The Chump Takes a Bump (1939) - Charley Chase

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--- Quote from: GreenCanaries on September 01, 2020, 11:13:13 PM ---I believe you're thinking of LOOSER THAN LOOSE (1930).

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Read the synopsis online and you’re probably right.  The short, which I’ve seen once, did ring a bell when I read it.  Not a straight remake, though.  THE CHUMP TAKES A BUMP sounds like a combination of LOOSER THAN LOOSE and MIGHTY LIKE A MOOSE, the latter which I’m much more familiar with.

Yeah, time to revisit those Roach talkie Chase DVD’s for sure.

Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: metaldams on September 02, 2020, 06:00:13 PM ---Read the synopsis online and you’re probably right.  The short, which I’ve seen once, did ring a bell when I read it.  Not a straight remake, though.  THE CHUMP TAKES A BUMP sounds like a combination of LOOSER THAN LOOSE and MIGHTY LIKE A MOOSE, the latter which I’m much more familiar with.

Yeah, time to revisit those Roach talkie Chase DVD’s for sure.

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This is correct.  I knew this and failed to mention it in my review.


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