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Horror film review section - any interest?

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Offline metaldams

      There’s a part of me that really wants to do a horror film review section, but I’m trying to gauge interest.  If I do it, you can be be certain I would try to do all the major (and some minor) films of the 30’s and 40’s.  I would also delve into silent era and go all the way up to the mid 70’s.  Horror would be the main theme, but I wouldn’t be opposed to the occasional sci-fi, detective/mystery, fantasy or Hitchcock type thriller film review either.

      So guys and gals, it’s up to you and what kind of responses I get.  Would Metaldams, horror film host, be something you’d like to see?
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I'm up for it. I've seen most of the big-time horrors from Universal and Hammer studios. The only thing I've missed is Val Lewton & some people being disappointed with Boris and Bela's last role together,,,,
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

I'm up for it. I've seen most of the big-time horrors from Universal and Hammer studios. The only thing I've missed is Val Lewton & some people being disappointed with Boris and Bela's last role together,,,,

Thanks Diesel.  Universal and Hammer I’d cover extensively, Lewton as well.  The Lewton Karloff films, even if Bela doesn’t get good screen time in his one film, are easily my three favorite Karloff roles of the forties.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dunrobin

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I'd definitely be interested, Doug, especially in your take on the Universal and Hammer horror films.  I always enjoy reading your reviews, even if I don't participate very often.  ;)

Offline metaldams

I'd definitely be interested, Doug, especially in your take on the Universal and Hammer horror films.  I always enjoy reading your reviews, even if I don't participate very often.  ;)

Thanks Rob!

 I’ll probably start in a week or two, since there seems to be enough interest, should be fun.

Tomorrow I’m going to watch that Charley Chase short Paul reviewed and also review the next Bud and Lou film - which is half a horror film anyway with Karloff in it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Umbrella Sam

I’d be up for it.
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

My blog:

Offline metaldams

I’d be up for it.

Cool, thanks Sam.

I have three Abbott and Costello films to go.  When I get those done, I will start the horror board and go back and forth between horror and comedy.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Moose Malloy

Count me in. I've always enjoyed movie reviews going back to Siskel and Ebert back when they were on PBS before the show earned syndication. Years later I was in line in Westwood, California for the premiere of RAGING BULL and who comes striding past the line but a disheveled Roger Ebert!

He was thrilled when I stopped him, not thinking anyone in the Hollywood area watched PBS on Saturday afternoons, I guess. I told him that I was in line for the 1st showing because of the TIME (or was it Newsweek) cover story on the film. I asked him if he was covering the movie on his own dime, and he said he was.

I wish I had met the guy in the 90's so I could punch him in the nose for panning RESERVOIR DOGS AND PULP FICTION!!!

But I Metaldams: when does the reviewin' start???

Offline Moose Malloy

I happened on this review while prepping to do REANIMATOR. It was better than anything I could have offered