Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

The Mind Needer (1938) - Charley Chase

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--- Quote from: Paul Pain on July 17, 2020, 09:08:13 PM ---Are we allowed to mention Elmer Fudd by name anymore?

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I didn’t think Elmer had been cancelled yet - and he hasn’t, but.....   [bs] [doh]


--- Quote from: Freddie Sanborn on July 17, 2020, 07:24:11 PM ---And remade again as Moron Than Off in %u201846.

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Actually, that was a remake of an earlier Langdon Columbia short, I DON'T REMEMBER (1935). Both have plots about forgetfulness, but REMEMBER/MORON's plot involves a lottery ticket.

Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: metaldams on July 17, 2020, 10:00:13 PM ---I didn’t think Elmer had been cancelled yet - and he hasn’t, but.....   [bs] [doh]

--- End quote ---

Yes, because Elmer's gun (1) bred so many serial killers and (2) his gun that never once kills Bugs (in any I have seen) is much scarier than all the hilarious violence Bugs metes out on him.  [bash] [smack] [violent4]

Will they come for The Three Stooges next for THREE LOAN WOLVES and BABY-SITTER JITTERS???

Umbrella Sam:
I have to agree; this is a great short. It’s definitely the best of the Chase Columbia shorts I’ve seen so far, thanks to a solid supporting cast and a unique plot that holds well together and fits Chase’s style. The idea of Chase being so easily forgetful opens up a lot of opportunities for his eccentricities. For example, he keeps a small book listing important dates he thinks he needs to remember, but the list is incredibly small and doesn’t include the very thing his wife got mad at him for earlier in the short. He also constantly forgets which house is his, which leads to a funny chase that could actually be much more easily resolved if it weren’t for this specific plot point.

Ann Doran is especially great as Charley’s wife; the way she reacts to Chase finally declaring it’s their wedding anniversary on the phone had me laughing way harder than it probably would have with anyone else. I’d even go as far as saying that moment is one of my favorite moments in any Columbia short ever. John Murray also does a convincing job playing Doran’s brother, and Vernon Dent and Bess Flowers are also great choices for their respective roles. It’s just a solidly funny short from start to finish; Chase’s delivery is great, the reactions from others are great. Everything about this short just works so well.

10 out of 10


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