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UMPA (1933) - Columbia Musical Novelty


I posted this here many years ago in another thread. But after re-watching this short tonight, it needs it's own thread.

The dialogue here is just insanely funny, in a weird/bizarre way, in certain spots. You just can't make these kind of exchanges up.

The operation is through. He would have been a goner if I waited around for you.
But we couldn’t get here sooner.
What did you do, meet a crooner?

Doctor, doctor, there he goes again.
I'll be there right away, don't let him pass away!

One YouTuber opined "This makes "Woman Haters" seem like "West Side Story."

I moved this to the Random Comedy Reviews section.  I think I do remember watching this one years ago when you posted it.  I’ll rewatch this in the next few days and post my thoughts.  As far as rhymed dialogue musicals, one of the first to do it was HALLELUJAH I’M A BUM (1933) starring Al Jolson - with Harry Langdon in support.

If you like WOMAN HATERS, I highly suggest watching this one.  If not, skip.

Just to show that the Columbia shorts department didn’t waste time recycling, UMPA is the second short they ever released, WOMAN HATERS is the fourth.  Both share the melody of “My Life, My Love, My All” as well as the same “Rock A Bye Baby” recording.  Though a Columbia short, other than being produced by Jules White, this short has nothing in common with any Stooge short outside of WOMAN HATERS or SWEET AND HOT.  No writers, directors, character actors - just a completely different world.

This is a fun piece of light entertainment.  Jack Osterman is a good screen presence who died way too young, the plot is simple and to the point, the music is catchy - especially if you know WOMAN HATERS, and the army of dancing girls are pretty.  Like I said, light entertainment.  We get a couple of overhead shots of the girls dancing into different formations like a Busby Berkeley film and that’s pretty much all I gotta say.  Not usually the kind of thing I watch, but given the Columbia short connection, a reason to watch a 16 minute musical.

UMPA is far more absurd than WOMAN HATERS but both manage to entertain in their bizarre ways.

In a lot of ways, UMPA is in a class all of its own.

Someone on YouTube thought parts of UMPA were filmed at the same park as seen in L&H's Men O'War.

I agree on Jack Osterman. Nice presence, good voice. There isn't a ton out there on him but this offers a bit:


--- Quote from: falsealarms on May 07, 2020, 12:46:02 AM ---...Someone on YouTube thought parts of UMPA were filmed at the same park as seen in L&H's Men O'War...

--- End quote ---

True - Hollenbeck Park in Los Angeles.


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