Luke, maybe sometime soon when you have some time you can explain in some more detail why you sometimes prefer the remakes to the originals, a position that many of the rest of us find incomprehensible. That sounds snide, but I really don't mean it that way, it's just that I'm making my language as precise as possible, so as not to be offensive, since so many of us find that this era of shorts is awful, lazy, and nightmarish. If what you prefer in the remakes ( or what I refer to as the clip-fests ) is the re-editing, for example moving the bubble-gum bit to the middle in Bubble Trouble, I would argue that those are such puny improvements in comparison to the butchery done at the end, that there is no defense there at all. What caused you to need to weigh this decision so carefully? Most of us just instantly said God This Sux and never watched it again. It's obvious that we disagree, but I want to emphasize my lack of aggression, I truly would like to get an intelligent group discussion going on this, especially since we are all now stuck dead in the middle of Shemp-remake hell.