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Ay Tank Ay Go (1936) - El Brendel

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--- Quote from: Paul Pain on April 25, 2020, 08:23:25 PM ---

The next few weeks shall see much suffering as we charge through El's shorts.

--- End quote ---

Yumpin Yimminy.

Umbrella Sam:
Well, this was unbelievably boring. I really haven’t seen enough of El Brendel’s work to properly judge if he was truly a good comedian. I did think he was alright in WINGS, but that was a supporting role. Meanwhile, in PICK A PECK OF PLUMBERS, where he’s teamed with Shemp, he comes across as rather boring. However, in that case I don’t think it’s really fair to blame him because of the rather poor writing job. In this case, I think the same applies. El Brendel isn’t funny, but to be fair, he’s given almost nothing to work with in the first place.

The only real noteworthy comedy bit is the tail bit with the cow, which El Brendel does not pull off well at all. Beyond that, the rest of this is basically just about El Brendel and his girlfriend getting away from the feud with a tedious love scene and a scene of them running around in a cow suit. Oh, did I say cow suit? I meant a cow suit made from a dead cow that El Brendel had stuffed!

It’s not as insulting as something like COMIN’ ROUND THE MOUNTAIN, but AY TANK AY GO is more proof that good hillbilly comedies are rare to come by.

2 out of 10


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