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Loose in London (1953) - The Bowery Boys, Edward Bernds

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--- Quote from: metaldams on October 25, 2020, 10:20:49 AM ---Thanks for the info about Bernds mentioning it’s hard to write for the others and their respective attitudes on it.

Whitey for sure was the bridge guy, I agree with that.  He was never a main guy, but always stood out and had a surreal presence.  Always liked him.

I have pretty fresh viewings of earlier East Side Kids films.  Sunshine Sammy was certainly a big part of the team at the time and the other kids, like you hinted at, were there to advance plot.

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Sunshine Sammy was great. They didn't always give him the best material to work with, but he performed well, and (by his own account) did have a degree of say in how he played his role. I'd imagine that started sometime after "Boys of the City," the first ESK movie he did. It's hardest to watch him in that one. At one point, he literally dives headfirst into a watermelon!

Leo and Huntz wanted him for the Bowery Boys, but he declined. My guess is he saw the writing on the wall well before anyone else did - Leo and Huntz were going to be the undisputed stars. Bobby Jordan seemed to figure that out a little too late into the game.

Umbrella Sam:
Happened to catch the second half of this on TCM today and I suddenly remembered that there was a discussion for this film. From what I saw, this was a very enjoyable film. Much like I remember from the other Bowery Boys films I’d seen, Leo and Huntz were the whole show, but it was a good show. The stuffed fox scene you mention was particularly good, as were the moments with Huntz suddenly just acting crazy throughout. There was a moment where he was trying to fall asleep but kept getting scared that particularly reminded me of the Stooges, especially when Leo and the others wouldn’t believe him. Was the fox thing a significant part in the first half? It seems in the second half he was obsessed with it for a particular reason. The sword climax in particular was really impressive and well timed, even if the other Bowery Boys aren’t really a part of it.

A week ago I was looking at a complete set of the Bowery Boys movies for 300 dollars. I considered buying it, but passed for now,


--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on January 30, 2022, 03:24:02 AM ---A week ago I was looking at a complete set of the Bowery Boys movies for 300 dollars. I considered buying it, but passed for now,

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I just checked U.S.  Amazon.  There are the four volumes of sets from Warner Archives and in U.S, dollars would cost around $110 - $120 for all four sets combined.


--- Quote from: metaldams on January 30, 2022, 03:58:49 AM ---I just checked U.S.  Amazon.  There are the four volumes of sets from Warner Archives and in U.S, dollars would cost around $110 - $120 for all four sets combined.

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For 48 movies that is not too bad of a deal. I think I'll get them eventually. I'm interested in checking out the series.


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