Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

Upcoming review schedule plus your suggestions

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Since this is classic comedy, can old theatrical cartoons be reviewed?


--- Quote from: Paul Pain on November 20, 2023, 07:13:07 AM ---It's going to take a lot to convince me that there aren't snitches monitoring this forum.  The account that posted all of those fantastic Columbia shorts already got terminated, and with it terminated today's review of A NAG IN THE BAG.

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Late last year, Google purged accounts that hadn't been logged into in awhile. For youtube, this means videos were deleted when the user accounts were deleted. That's too bad, since a lot of videos would have been deleted because of this.


--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on March 05, 2024, 09:48:33 PM ---I'm going to be aiming for a Wheeler and Woolsey film per month to review, and of course at some point I have to watch Zenobia, as I've never seen it before.

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I've seen ZENOBIA maybe twice, and I'll be darned if I can remember even one scene. If you watch it, it's an hour and a half of ur life that u can never get back! It's neither better nor worse than GENERAL SPANKY.

I've only seen a handful of Wheeler and Woolsey films -- probably 5 or less. COCKEYED CAVALIERS is pretty good. HIP HIPS HOORAY isn't bad. Both have Thelma Todd. Woohoo!

I caught MUMMY'S BOYS once on TCM -- it stunk!

Wheeler and Woolsey are an acquired taste that many people have never acquired!

I'd like to see a few more, but some good ones. Awhile ago I googled to see what other people considered "good" ones, but I never followed up and watched any of them.


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