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Upcoming review schedule plus your suggestions

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Back to Bud and Lou every other week in November.  Doing some B type films in October, I thought a long overdue A is needed for balance.

Week of 11/13 City Lights (1931) - Charlie Chaplin
Week of 11/27 Mabel’s Dramatic Career (1913) - Normand/Sennett/Sterling/Arbuckle

Had a very rough week, wasn't in the mood to watch anything. I feel better now, though!

Slight change of plans.  I will not be reviewing THE GORILLA this weekend.  I have an out of state wedding to go to on Saturday and frankly don’t feel like spending what little free time I have watching and reviewing an hour feature that is not all that great. 

I will be commenting on Paul’s Langdon short tomorrow and on Sunday, I will be reviewing something a little off the beaten path.  This will not be the direction the reviews will be taking, but just something a little different to keep things fresh.  You’ll see what it is on Sunday and I think you guys will be amused.

As for the November schedule, I’m totally fine with that.  Looking forward to getting back into Bud and Lou and a CITY LIGHTS and early Keystone review is long overdue.

I will no longer be doing reviews weekly, though most weeks there’ll still be reviews.  I just don’t want to be on a fixed schedule anymore and with work, friends and visiting family, I just sometimes need more free alone time and having one less thing scheduled in my life. 

That said, that Keystone short should be reviewed tomorrow as I’m really looking forward to it and I have an inspiration to do a certain one reel early sound comedy in the near future.  Bud and Lou will also continue but at a more leisurely pace.  Basically, the reviews will be whenever the spirit moves me.  Some weeks no reviews, some weeks one, the occasional week two or more reviews.

I haven't checked to see where we left us, but I was going to go through Wheeler and Woolsey, however, I think I might do it ocassionally instead of following a weekly schedule like before.


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