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Upcoming review schedule plus your suggestions

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Great article on Lloyd Hamilton.

Are there any plans after Led Zeppelin? If there’s any interest I feel like I’m qualified enough to cover Steely Dan, they only have 9 studio albums so it’s not too much content.


--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on April 22, 2022, 01:23:29 AM ---Are there any plans after Led Zeppelin? If there’s any interest I feel like I’m qualified enough to cover Steely Dan, they only have 9 studio albums so it’s not too much content.

--- End quote ---

Go for it.  We have four Zeppelin entries left (which includes a live album and Coda entry).  But yeah, do Steely Dan after that.

Think I have my strategy for reviews once I’m done with this current Chaplin/Lloyd run.

90% chance I’m doing the Abbott and Costello TV Show episodes every other week.  The weeks I don’t review that will be either any random comedy short or feature, the occasional horror movie review, or nothing at all if I want a week off.

The week of May 9th I have off from work, so I might do an extra few reviews that week, including that Lloyd Hamilton short.

Umbrella Sam:
I have a question for Paul and HomokHarcos. What’s the plan for the long run with the Langdon and Chase discussions? Are we only going to be covering the silents? I finally got around to buying the Langdon Roach set and the last two volumes of the Chase sets, so I’d be up for continuing the discussions even further after that.


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