Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

Upcoming review schedule plus your suggestions

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--- Quote from: HomokHarcos on January 16, 2022, 07:47:30 AM ---Once we're done Charley Chase (which should take us to next year) I'm hoping to get to the Wheeler and Woolsey movies if there is enough interest in that. I got them shipped to my uncle (it was cheaper where he lives) but I haven't been able to visit because of the pandemic. Hopefully by next year things have settled down and I can get them.

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I’d be up for that.

I recently uploaded the last starring film of Lloyd Hamilton (Ham and Bud) entitled Wedding Belles, feel free to add this one:



--- Quote from: GenoCuddy on April 21, 2022, 01:25:06 PM ---I recently uploaded the last starring film of Lloyd Hamilton (Ham and Bud) entitled Wedding Belles, feel free to add this one:


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Wanna hear something crazy?  I’m expecting a cheap Alpha DVD of three talkie Lloyd Hamilton shorts in the mail today.  The one you posted is not one of them.  Thanks, I’ll check it out and review it soon.  Thinking of reviewing a bunch of films in a few weeks because I have the week off from work.


--- Quote from: GenoCuddy on April 21, 2022, 01:25:06 PM ---I recently uploaded the last starring film of Lloyd Hamilton (Ham and Bud) entitled Wedding Belles, feel free to add this one:


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Hey Geno, happy to see you back.

Lloyd Hamilton is a comedian I have not watched yet. I know he was doing a comedy series called Ham and Bud in the 2010s.

Lloyd Hamilton is frustrating because so much of his work is lost.  I’ve seen about ten of his shorts and most of them are pretty good - plus he’s an actual memorable and enjoyable screen presence.


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