Film & Shorts Discussions > Random Comedy Reviews

Upcoming review schedule plus your suggestions

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Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: metaldams on March 08, 2020, 11:49:43 AM ---Do you plan on doing any of the Charley Chase Columbia shorts at some point?

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We'll see.  His collection is on DVD, no?  If I am independent in the next couple months, it's an easy yes because I would buy the DVD.  At the moment, I am restricted to what YouTube has available.


--- Quote from: Paul Pain on March 09, 2020, 08:40:10 PM ---We'll see.  His collection is on DVD, no?  If I am independent in the next couple months, it's an easy yes because I would buy the DVD.  At the moment, I am restricted to what YouTube has available.

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Correct, the Charley Chase shorts are all on DVD, which I have.  Whatever you do, looking forward to it.

Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: metaldams on March 09, 2020, 08:43:06 PM ---Correct, the Charley Chase shorts are all on DVD, which I have.  Whatever you do, looking forward to it.

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Since you have planned through June, we'll take stock at beginning of that month and see what direction life is heading.  If it's still headed further south as I suspect, you will have to lead the Charley Chase Columbia discussion.

Did anyone review the Three Stooges TV pilot Jerks of All Trades?


--- Quote from: luke795 on March 10, 2020, 10:07:16 AM ---Did anyone review the Three Stooges TV pilot Jerks of All Trades?

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Not yet, and it’s funny the ones you’re asking about are coincidentally on my mind.  It was a toss up between that and SWING PARADE OF 1946 for July, but I’ll now do JERKS OF ALL TRADES for July and SPO1946 for (probably) August.


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