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Female Fans and the 3 Stooges?

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Offline porcupinefan87

I'm coming into another topic late, but just had to add my representation to the supposed handful of female Stooge fans! ;)

I've loved the Three Stooges since I was about nine years old. And I know all the facts and figures and such as well. I tend to do that with all the stuff I get into.

But like a lot of you have said, I'm also into a lot of things that aren't considered "girly" in terms of the actors I like or the movies I watch etc. A lot of girls weren't fans of "Young Frankenstein" and Marty Feldman and Mel Brooks at the age of 7, but I was so there you go.

It's a total myth that only guys like the stooges. Sure, there are certainly more guy fans out there, but female fans certainly exist. I personally never understood WHY women didn't like them. If anything, I often feel that their whimsy and such would be more appealing to women. I see nothing awful about what they do and they're always basically trying to do the right thing. Sure there's the shorts where they will slap women back or throw pies at them, but I personally feel that's sort of ahead of its time really haha. Besides, they always make the women quite tough in their shorts, so there's usually an even playing field. They're generally very adorable with the ladies, I find.

Here again is another good point. Someone said how perhaps women aren't into them because of an appearance thing. It's true there are more "pretty boy" or "conventional" looking old time comics out there that may have a larger female following. However, I've never been into the "conventional" myself and as I mature I realize one of the reasons that I've been able to stay interested in them for all these years is becasue I find that they're quite appealing...particularly in their earlier shorts. They're cute. And as I said, they're always very cute in their scenes with the women in the shorts (particularly Larry in shorts like "Woman Haters").

But looks are not the be all end all. To me, they are not funny or enjoyable because they're attractive, rather they're attractive BECAUSE they are funny, creative, talented, etc.  From 9 years old to 20 years old which I am now, their talents and such will always be the first thing that makes them appealing.

In short, I think that it's a myth that only men like them as much as it's a myth that highly intelligent people do not like them. I personally feel one has to be quite smart to truly get most comedy, or see that there's generally more to it than meets the eye. The Three Stooges, in my view, are smart comedy...sometimes cleverly disguised as stupid or simple.

Female stooge fans are out there, but I guess we're a rare breed haha.

I should also say that my little sister loves them as well. She adores shorts like "Nutty But Nice" or (the beer one) as she calls it and "Hot Scots" (the one with the big teeth guy). My mother too also thinks they're pretty funny and likes hearing about their backstories and how they were in real life...which made her like and respect them more.

Oh well, I love the Stooges.
"Roses are red, and how do you do? Drink four of these and...woob woob woob woob!" - Curly, 'No Census, No Feeling'
" shrinks!!!" - Shemp, 'Don't Throw That Knife'
"Even the comedians that make you laugh the hardest, have tragedies in their lives.  Laughter is all we have against the pain of life and death." - Larry Fine

Offline busybuddy

A few years ago, I dated a girl who was a pretty big stooge fan. She told me she had some stooge tapes and I figured she maybe had Disorder in the Court and Malice in the Palace, etc. But when she showed me she had You Natzy Spy and Dizzy Pilots and a few other collections. As if this wasn't enough, she actually laughed HARD at every single gag and joke.

My new girlfriend falls asleep during the stooges, but that's okay, at least she'll watch Woody Allen movies with me.
I think Birdie will go for that!

Offline jrvass

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I'm funny and not good looking, or is it not funny and funny looking?  :D

And I'm not married, I'm happy! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk...


(I couldn't help myself. I'm a victim of coicumstances!)
This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Justin T

I'm coming into another topic late, but just had to add my representation to the supposed handful of female Stooge fans! ;)

I've loved the Three Stooges since I was about nine years old. And I know all the facts and figures and such as well. I tend to do that with all the stuff I get into.

But like a lot of you have said, I'm also into a lot of things that aren't considered "girly" in terms of the actors I like or the movies I watch etc. A lot of girls weren't fans of "Young Frankenstein" and Marty Feldman and Mel Brooks at the age of 7, but I was so there you go.

It's a total myth that only guys like the stooges. Sure, there are certainly more guy fans out there, but female fans certainly exist. I personally never understood WHY women didn't like them. If anything, I often feel that their whimsy and such would be more appealing to women. I see nothing awful about what they do and they're always basically trying to do the right thing. Sure there's the shorts where they will slap women back or throw pies at them, but I personally feel that's sort of ahead of its time really haha. Besides, they always make the women quite tough in their shorts, so there's usually an even playing field. They're generally very adorable with the ladies, I find.

Here again is another good point. Someone said how perhaps women aren't into them because of an appearance thing. It's true there are more "pretty boy" or "conventional" looking old time comics out there that may have a larger female following. However, I've never been into the "conventional" myself and as I mature I realize one of the reasons that I've been able to stay interested in them for all these years is becasue I find that they're quite appealing...particularly in their earlier shorts. They're cute. And as I said, they're always very cute in their scenes with the women in the shorts (particularly Larry in shorts like "Woman Haters").

But looks are not the be all end all. To me, they are not funny or enjoyable because they're attractive, rather they're attractive BECAUSE they are funny, creative, talented, etc.  From 9 years old to 20 years old which I am now, their talents and such will always be the first thing that makes them appealing.

In short, I think that it's a myth that only men like them as much as it's a myth that highly intelligent people do not like them. I personally feel one has to be quite smart to truly get most comedy, or see that there's generally more to it than meets the eye. The Three Stooges, in my view, are smart comedy...sometimes cleverly disguised as stupid or simple.

Female stooge fans are out there, but I guess we're a rare breed haha.

I should also say that my little sister loves them as well. She adores shorts like "Nutty But Nice" or (the beer one) as she calls it and "Hot Scots" (the one with the big teeth guy). My mother too also thinks they're pretty funny and likes hearing about their backstories and how they were in real life...which made her like and respect them more.

Oh well, I love the Stooges.

First, welcome to the board Porcupinefan  :-)

Second, I think its nice to hear from a female Stooge fan. Many people I have met believe in the myth that only guys love The Three Stooges. I have known thats not true since I was little, because my Mom is a Stooge fan. Yup, she grew up watching them on TV in the 60's and she loved em and still loves them today. Even today she will gladly sit down with me, her 29 year old son, and watch the shorts with me and laugh just as hard as I do. I have collected alot of books about the lives of the Stooges like The Scrapbook and have told her alot about their personal lives and what happend to them and she loves learning about that kind of stuff. My dad isn't that into them but he will watch them every know and then and he laughs at the really funny stuff.

Unfortunatly pretty much all my male and female friends are not Stooge fans like me, but they love my enthusiam for them at least. So I'm very glad I can share my love of the Stooges with my Mom.

It's nice to meet another female Stooge fan and to hear WHY you love the Stooges. Thanks for posting.

- Justin
"Moronica must expand! We must lend our neighbors a helping hand. We must lend them two helping hands, and help ourselves to our neighbors!"
Moe in "You Natzi Spy!"

Larry: Say, when I come back I’ll give you a password.
Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
Larry: Open The Door!
"Studio Stoops"

Offline kinderscenen

I've loved the Stooges since before I was born.  ;D  My mother never missed Moe's appearances on the Mike Douglas Show, and surprised me a couple of months ago when she mentioned that 1. she actually ran into (as in bumped into) Larry in front of the Chase Hotel in St. Louis (around 1963 or so), and 2. she actually remembered all the times they were on Ed Sullivan.  But I shouldn't have been surprised, since there have been Stooge fans in my family for 4 generations, and most were female. (Insert 5 or 50 generation joke here). My father recalls seeing shorts with his grandmother in the 50s, and my maternal grandmother was a Stooge fan from way back as well.

It's not so much that women don't like the Stooges, but I think that it may be one of those things you don't want to say you like, like porn, video games and Jackass.  Now, we know that there are plenty of women who love some or all of the previous examples, but feel like it wouldn't be "ladylike" to mention it.
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Offline zoe44


I am new to this board. I was happy to see that there is a Stooge forum! I have been a fan of The 3 Stooges since I was about 5 years old. And that was a long time ago! As far as it being a male thing, I have noticed over the years that not many of my female friends watched them. I think I am the only one that really gets into them. I do not watch porn or play video games.[crosseyed] But I love The Who! And they too have a mostly male following.

zoe [stooges]

Offline jrvass

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Welcome Zoe,

I don't play video games either. And I don't do something else... Oh! See curbs through bifocals! I think I knocked my knee cap into last week when I did a truly "stooge-like" fall at the 7-11 Friday morning.

(Then someone tossed a "Find the Lord or You are Going to Hell" cartoon book in my car while I was in the store!)

Well, I need to start looking for him! I'm off to check my collection of porn first since I hear He hangs out with the sinners!  >:D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!