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Karloff/Lugosi set coming on 4/23/19

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Offline falsealarms

Since we have some classic horror fans on here, this news might excite. Shout! is releasing a Boris Karloff/Bela Lugosi set on April 23.

Four Horror Classics starring the Titans of Terror – Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi!

Horror icons Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi created some of the most memorable characters in cinematic history. Their unforgettable performances as Dracula and Frankenstein's monster terrified a generation of moviegoers and when these two legendary actors came together for a series of films in the 1930s, audiences could not get enough. This collection includes The Black Cat (1934), The Raven, The Invisible Ray and Black Friday.

The Black Cat

Honeymooning in Hungary, Joan and Peter Allison share their train compartment with Dr. Vitus Verdegast, a courtly but tragic man who is returning to the remains of the town he defended before becoming a prisoner of war for fifteen years. When their hotel-bound bus crashes in a mountain storm and Joan is injured, the travellers seek refuge in the home, built fortress-like upon the site of a bloody battlefield, of famed architect Hjalmar Poelzig. There, cat-phobic Verdegast learns his wife's fate, grieves for his lost daughter, and must play a game of chess for Allison's life...

The Raven

A wealthy judge coaxes the brilliant but eccentric neurological surgeon Dr. Vollin, who also has an obsessive penchant for Edgar Allen Poe, out of retirement to save the life of his daughter, a dancer crippled and brain damaged in an auto wreck. Vollin restores her completely, but also envisions her as his "Lenore," and cooks up a scheme to kidnap the woman and torture and kill her fiance' and father in his Poe-inspired dungeon. To do his dirty work, Vollin recruits a wanted criminal, and turns him into a hideous monster to guarantee his subservience...

The Invisible Ray

Visionary scientist Janos Rukh convinces a group of scientists and supporters to mount an expedition to the African continent to locate and study an ancient meteorite of great significance. He exposes himself to the highly toxic radiation of the meteorite, and while an antidote devised by Dr. Benet saves him from death by radiation poisoning, his naked touch causes instant death to others. Back in London, the benefits of the meteorite's controlled radiation offer Dr. Benet an opportunity to restore eyesight to the blind. The antidote's toxicity excites Prof. Rukh into paranoid rages as he seeks revenge against the members of his expedition, who he accuses of stealing his discovery for their own glory...

Black Friday

When his friend Professor Kingsley is at deaths door, brain surgeon Dr. Sovac saves his life by means of an illegal operation that transplants part of injured gangster Red Cannon's brain. Unfortunately, the operation has a disastrous Jeckll and Hyde side effect and under certain conditions the persona of Cannon emerges. Sovac soon learns of the duel personality and of half a million dollars the gangster has hidden away. He attempts to find the money through the manipulation of his friend, an attempt that brings Kingsley closer to madness as he alternates between a meek professor of English and a brutal gangster out for murderous revenge on those who tried to kill him...

Offline falsealarms

This was pushed back to June 18 and retitled "Universal Horror Collection: Vol. 1."

Still has the same 4 titles, though.

Offline metaldams

This was pushed back to June 18 and retitled "Universal Horror Collection: Vol. 1."

Still has the same 4 titles, though.

I may have to cave in and go blu Ray soon on some titles.  My Black Cat sometimes plays and sometimes doesn't and my Son and Ghost of Frankensteins don't play at all.  All double sided discs.  I wonder what vol. 2 will be.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

I may have to cave in and go blu Ray soon on some titles.  My Black Cat sometimes plays and sometimes doesn't and my Son and Ghost of Frankensteins don't play at all.  All double sided discs.  I wonder what vol. 2 will be.

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