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Custom Avatars on Moronika!

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Offline Dunrobin

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Once upon a time, members could upload their own, custom avatars to use on the forum, but when the forum had to move to its own domain, here on, we somehow managed to loose that ability, even though I had set the permissions to allow it.  I couldn't figure out what the problem was, and at the time I had more important things going on in my life, so I let it slide.  :o

Well, this morning I was browsing around on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, looking at old versions of, and I got inspired to look into the problem again.  After a few frustrated attempts, accompanying by creative swearing, I finally - FINALLY! - saw what was causing the problem, and it had been staring me in the face all along.  When I moved the forum to, I had reset all of the settings in the configuration to point to the new domain name, but somehow managed to miss the entry for the avatars upload folder.  The directory structure was all the same, and somehow every time I had looked at those settings in the Admin section I never noticed that it was reading "" instead of ""!  As soon as I corrected that, the feature worked.  Go figure.  ::)

So if you want to use a custom avatar here on, you can.  Just go into your Profile, and then click on Forum Profile in the Modify Profile menu.   Choose the Upload an avatar option, locate your file and click on the Change Profile button at the bottom of the page.  (Your avatar should be 65 pixels wide by 65 pixels high.)

You may now begin flinging pies at the Webmaster.   [pie]

Offline Kopfy2013

Offline GreenCanaries

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Great news! Excellent work, Dunrobin!
"With oranges, it's much harder..."