Well, considering this was included in the book,
The Fifty Worst Films of All Time, my expectations were not particularly high coming into it. I’ve seen some of the films listed there and, believe me, this does not belong in the same ranks as them. Is it a good film? Eh...
So, here’s the thing. Like the previous film, I don’t particularly like the story. Part of that is the historical context (dropping the bomb on the Japanese submarine at the end was pretty uncomfortable to watch, even though the Hiroshima bombings were after this), but even the supporting characters are a drag. Phil Van Zandt is a very capable villain, but the main guy is portrayed as part lead, part nutcase. Heck, he and the female lead basically disappear by the film’s end. Then there’s also these two random characters who are basically there for OLIVER THE EIGHTH 2.0 and Bobby Blake as an annoying kid. I do like the idea of the two neighbors being double crossed, but they’re dropped as quickly as the main leads.
As far as comedy goes,
a lot of it is recycled from previous films, probably more so than any previous Laurel and Hardy film. That’s not always a bad thing, though. The “Wet Paint” scene from HABEAS CORPUS, the door scene from BLOCK-HEADS, and the hat switching gag from several films are all done pretty well here. We also get the aforementioned OLIVER THE EIGHTH remake and...the berth gags from BERTH MARKS...

Actually, yeah, this isn’t quite as bad as the original. I will concede that I actually did enjoy the addition of Jack Norton as the drunk at one point. But even so, the portion before he shows up, with just Stan and Ollie still goes on forever and, even though there’s a little more space than in the original, it still just doesn’t feel big enough. So, is it still bad? Yes, but it’s not the torture chamber that the original is.
Although I did find the food gag rather tedious, there are some original moments that work too. I liked the brief bit where Phil Van Zandt tells Stan and Ollie “up in the air” and instead of putting their hands up, they just throw their cards in the air. I also enjoyed Stan accidentally detonating the bomb during the inventor’s test, even if it was pretty predictable. Probably my favorite of the original scenes is when Stan and Ollie get all the buttons in their room mixed up. And, despite what came before it, I also liked the ending with the dancing fish.
So, yeah, THE BIG NOISE isn’t necessarily a good film, but still has its moments of charm. It’s fun in spots, but the scattered nature of some of the gags as well as the weak story really bogs it down.
5.5 out of 10 (been debating between a 5 or 6, so I decided to meet in the middle)