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Sons of the Desert (1933) - Laurel and Hardy

metaldams · 29 · 12202

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Offline NoahYoung

Thanks Tony!

Regarding THE MUSIC BOX, the hair I saw was on an 1080p version -- from what you say, that probably came from a streaming HD version of the ESSENTIAL set then, correct? I had assumed that ESSENTIAL was only available in a standard DVD resolution, albeit the cover says HD.

Regarding the "Movie" setting, I have settings like that on both my TV and DVD player. On the TV, it basically sets all the other settings, which you can then tweak and save as a custom setting. The possibilities become endless, especially with all the permutations of combining the TV settings with the DVD player settings. That's why, IMHO, it is hard to comment on the black and white, contrast, and brightness levels. It will look a bit different for everyone for a given DVD/Blu-Ray. To me, as long as the print used was sharp, not dupey, and scanned correctly, you can somehow adjust it to your liking.

I wasn't aware of the bit in which Stan tosses his hat being short -- but then again I haven't watched the ESSENTIAL version yet. I did watch the DEFINITIVE version almost 2 years ago. 99% of my viewing of this film have been via my Super 8 Blackhawk copy. :D
That version, btw, looks excellent, even in Super 8. That's why I haven't upgraded to a 16mm print...yet... [director]

Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline Dr. Mabuse

A wonderful photograph of Dorothy Christy and Mae Busch.

Offline NoahYoung

A wonderful photograph of Dorothy Christy and Mae Busch.

Wow, I've never seen that still.  Reminds me of Mae's role in OLIVER THE EIGHT.
Burt Lancaster was too short!
- The Birdman of Alcatraz

Offline Tony Bensley

Wow, I've never seen that still.  Reminds me of Mae's role in OLIVER THE EIGHT.
Perhaps this still served as inspiration?  OLIVER THE EIGHTH (1934) was the boys next short (It was also Laurel & Hardy's final Three Reeler!) to be filmed after SONS OF THE DESERT (1933), after all!

CHEERS!  [pie]