I'll leave this open recognizing there are differing genders and sexual persuasions reading this, but who are your picks for best looking thespians of the old days. I'll share a few of mine, in no particular order.
Jobyna Ralston
Leading lady of six Harold Lloyd films during his best period, not only was she a stunner, but she added maturity to the romance in Lloyd's best films. THE KID BROTHER is a masterpiece, in no small part because of Jobyna.
Fay Wray
Most famous for being King Kong's leading lady, another stunningly gorgeous lady who I always felt looked better in her natural darker hair vs. the blonde she was in Kong - not that she looked bad there by any means. She appeared in a lot of early 30's horror movies and always had more believability and less stuffiness than a lot of the actresses back then.
Evelyn Ankers
After posting my 30's horror queen, now we get my 40's queen. She was in so many 40's Universal films, usually saddled with Lon Chaney, Jr.; who I understand she did not enjoy working with. Another gorgeous woman who lent class to her roles.
Hazel Court
Stunning red headed British actress who appeared in some early Hammer and AIP horror films.
We all know her. Enough said!