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Star Wars: How Much Do Stooges Fans Care?

Guest · 36 · 9705


How much of a "Star Wars Nerd" are you?

Camped out at the theater all week in a Star Wars costume
0 (0%)
Camped out at the theater all week, not in costume
0 (0%)
Like the films, but not addicted to them
8 (50%)
My friends made me go, but I don't care very much about the series
2 (12.5%)
Glad this is the last one (whew!)
6 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: May 26, 2005, 11:04:31 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Offline Stoop

And BTW I am no cloistered nun . . .

No? I could have sworn... I mean, isn't this you?

Lol, now I’ve seen it all! I actually did dress up as a nun for Halloween a few years back . . . Were you that creepy guy that kept following me around, Pils?
It takes an estimated 2,893 licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop.

Offline kinderscenen

I mean, who does George Lucas think he is, Richard Wagner? The "Ring" cycle is even more drawn-out and tedious plot-wise, but at least the music is good. I'll agree with shemps#1 that the main flaw of "Revenge of the Shvitz" is that it's too long, without even having seen it— and I don't intend to.

Hey, hey, hey! Let's not sully the good name of Herr Wagner by comparing him to Lucas!  :D But seriously, I think I remember the original film--at least I remember the toys--and I just didn't/don't get it.  No matter how many times it was compared to an opera, I just couldn't watch it.  Now, Star Trek on the other hand--that I got.  :D  Why I could like the obvious hamminess of William Shatner over the (described) stilted and awkward dialogue of Star Wars, I don't know.

"She's dead, Jim!"
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Pilsner Panther

  • Guest
And BTW I am no cloistered nun . . .

No? I could have sworn... I mean, isn't this you?

Lol, now I’ve seen it all! I actually did dress up as a nun for Halloween a few years back . . . Were you that creepy guy that kept following me around, Pils?

No, but if you'd like, I'll put you on my list... (cackles insanely like Phil Van Zandt playing a mad scientist).


Offline stooge_o_phile

OK folks, here's my two cents.....

I AM old enough to have seen the original "Star Wars" in 1977 and I did.  I felt it was pretty good at the time, but not great.  I then saw the next two and thought that they had a good "serial" feel, but that the ending of "Jedi" was a little too cutsey.

By the time the next prequel-type episodes were made, I honestly lost interest in the series and did not see any of them and I still haven't.

Now I would like to see the most recent one only to satisfy my curiosity of the birth of Darth Vader; however, I will probably wait for the DVD release!

Offline NostalgicSlapstick

Well I care. George lucas definately changed and influnced many filmmakers and technology over the years. The story is pretty far fetched and weird but its pretty cool if you have nothing better to watch. Some people take it to far as  dressing up in the costumes like the people in hollywood and highland at the manns chinnese theater.

[img width= height=][/img]

Pilsner Panther

  • Guest

[...] The story is pretty far fetched and weird but its pretty cool if you have nothing better to watch. [...]

No offense, N.S., but that's got to be one of the lowest standards for entertainment that I've ever come across. I mean, even a crossword puzzle or computer solitaire is better than staring blankly at the wall, if nothing else is available. It sounds like you put "Star Wars" in about the same category, intentionally or not.

 :icon_farao: :icon_farao:

...That is to say, Tut Tut.

Offline NostalgicSlapstick

Haha lol.
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline Dagurasu

The other night, a friend of mine was trying to persuade me to watch the new one. I almost agreed to go, until I found out that it's 140 minutes long! My attention span just doesn't have that kind of staying power, and I've always said that any filmmaker (or playwright, or composer) who can't get his or her point across in 90 minutes or less is in need of a good editor.

For some reason movies and concerts seem to be doing away with the old intermission. A long movie is fine but let's take a break part-way through! Not only does it allow you to stretch a little but it might prevent some cases of DVT(Deep Vein Thrombosis or Economy class syndrome). I'm not sure why there are no intermissions these days, but you'd better not drink too much liquid before. It must be economics-restrooms don't have to be cleaned as much. That's why I enjoy video or DVDs. Theater owners are shooting themselves in the foot with no intermissions!

Pilsner Panther

  • Guest
Now, you're certainly making a good point here about bladder capacity. Why is it that no one in any of these over-long science fiction epics ever says, "Excuse me, but I have to go to the bathroom. Where is it?"

DROID: "There's only one on the Death Star, sir. It's on Level 1189X3, right past the Coke machine. Take the elevator 68 floors down and turn left when you get out."

SITH LORD: (jumping up and down while holding his crotch) "What!? I'll have you busted down to a water cooler or my name isn't Darth McGonagall!"

DROID: "It's not my fault, sir, the budget didn't call for more than—"

SITH LORD (knocking him aside): "Get out of my way! Or I'm going to wet my..."

(Cut to yellow puddle forming around his boots)

SITH LORD: "Oh, too late— Gawwddammnit, these dry cleaning bills are going to kill me!"

Then you have the "Star Trek" one-piece jumpsuit (from "The Next Generation" onward).  How do you get one of those off so you can use the Men's? Or for that matter, the Ladies? Of course, I would have been happy to help Dr. Crusher with that problem... there's a zipper down the back, I suppose, and you just peel it off slowly, like a banana skin.

 >:D  >:D  >:D

The Nobel Prize winning author/playwright Samuel Beckett was once asked how to get a character offstage, convincingly. He said, "That's simple: you just have them announce that they need to go to the loo."

« Last Edit: June 11, 2005, 09:26:41 PM by Pilsner Panther »

Offline jeajon126

Actually, I'm a very big Star Wars and Three stooges fan. I dodn't camp out for a week, just got there really early for the midnite showing of Ep. III. I guess you can consider me a Star wars "nerd", because my dad got me into the 3 stooges and my brother got me into Star Wars, although i have to say the 3 stooges are still the greatest comedy team and i believe star wars is the greatest science fiction movie series

Offline stoogesarepimp

I'v seen a few Star Wars movies but they're not that entertaining.  The three stooges are much better and funnier.
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