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Names of doctors on LOUD SPEAKER board in MEN IN BLACK

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Offline Shemp Shady

Does anyone know the names of -- or have a clearer image with the names of -- the other doctors on the loudspeaker board in MEN IN BLACK? I'm working on my yearly review of the Alex Theatre Stooge-fest (and MIB was on this year's bill), and it would be helpful for me to know those names. (I did see that two of them are Dr. Brown and Dr. Carew.)

Many thanks. For Duty and Humanity!
Eet ees a klasseek!!

Offline archiezappa

Best I can tell, this is the list of Doctors names on the board in Men In Black.

Left column:
Dr. King
Dr. Lynch
Dr. Davis
Dr. Spunks
Dr. Burton
Dr. Graves
Dr. Boyd
Dr. James

Right column:
Dr. Scott
Dr. Brown
Dr. Savage
Dr. Howard
Dr. Fine
Dr. Howard
Dr. Green
Dr. Carew
