To "Flip It," so to speak, below is a list of The Three Stooges shorts from the "Columbia 190" that were NEVER released in the NTSC VHS format. Titles known to have been released in the PAL VHS format are double asterisked: (**)
With Curley/Curly Howard (1934 - 1947; 97 Shorts) -None: All 97 shorts were issued to VHS by Columbia, including the single Three Stooges Public Domain title "Disorder In The Court (1936)" from the Curly era.
With Shemp Howard (1947 - 1956; 77 Shorts*)Here is where it gets more complicated. While 54 of the 77 "Shemp" shorts were issued to NTSC VHS, not all of these were released by Columbia. A total of 38 were released by Columbia, and an additional 14 (Including 2 of the "Fake Shemp" shorts from 1956!) were issued by Goodtimes, plus one by Goodtimes and Columbia, "He Cooked His Goose (1952)." In addition, "Brideless Groom (1947)" and "Malice In The Palace (1949)" enjoyed only Public Domain releases in the VHS format, while the other Shemp era Public Domain Three Stooges short "Sing A Song Of Six Pants (1947)" did also get issued to Columbia VHS.
1950 -121 Hugs And Mugs
124 Self-Made Maids
127 Slaphappy Sleuths
1953 -144 Up In Daisy's Penthouse
**145 Booty And The Beast
147 Tricky Dicks
**149 Pardon My Backfire
150 Rip, Sew And Stitch
1954 -155 Pals And Gals
156 Knutzy Knights
**158 Scotched In Scotland
1955 -159 Fling In The Ring
160 Of Cash And Hash
161 Gypped In The Penthouse
**162 Bedlam In Paradise
163 Stone Age Romeos
165 Hot Ice
**166 Blunder Boys
1956 -**168 Creeps
**169 Flagpole Jitters
**170 For Crimin' Out Loud
172 Hot Stuff
174 Commotion On The Ocean
* Including the final 4 "Fake Shemp" shorts, which incorporated previously shot stock footage of Shemp Howard, along with new footage, featuring Shemp Howard's posthumous double, Joe Palma. Among these 1956 "Fake Shemp" releases, "Hot Stuff" and "Commotion On The Ocean" failed to make the VHS cut!
With Joe Besser (1957 - 1959; 16 Shorts)None of the final "Sweet 16" Joe Besser featured Three Stooges shorts ever enjoyed NTSC VHS release!
1957 -**175 Hoofs And Goofs
**176 Muscle Up A Little Closer
**177 A Merry Mix Up
178 Space Ship Sappy
**179 Guns A Poppin
**180 Horsing Around
**181 Rusty Romeos
182 Outer Space Jitters
1958 -**183 Quiz Whizz
184 Fifi Blows Her Top
185 Pies And Guys
**186 Sweet And Hot
**187 Flying Saucer Daffy
188 Oil's Well That Ends Well
1959 -189 Triple Crossed
190 Sappy Bull Fighters
** Released in Australia on VHS in the PAL format
Clearly, the "Besser Man" didn't win, except maybe Down Under!

This post has been revised to note titles from The Three Stooges Columbia 190 that were never issued on NTSC VHS, but were released in Australia in the PAL VHS format. Huge thank yous to ThumpTheShoes for tipping me off to this!