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Paul Pain's Stooge Short Tournament

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Offline Paul Pain

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It's time for a fun contest... a contest much like Metaldams' shorts tournament from 2010.  But this is Paul Pain's in 2017.

The process:
1. There are 190 Three Stooges shorts.  Thus, we can sort them from highest rating to lowest on the Three Stooges page.  I shall break them up into three groups: the 126 highest rated, and the next 64.

2. The 64 will be broken up by even and odd rankings in the ratings into two groups of 32 (e.g. group 1 is 127, 129,...; and group 2 is 128, 130,...) voting for a week at a time.

3. It will work by higher seed versus lower seed (127 vs. 189, 129 vs. 187, 128 vs. 190, etc.).

4. I will reseed after each round, and the winner of each Brackets 1 and 2 of 32 will be the 127 and 128 seeds in the big board.

5. Voting lasts for one week.  So the round of 32 will go for a week, then 16 for a week, then 8, then 4, and then 2 winners will be announced on Wednesday, February 15, 2017!

If people support this, we shall begin on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.  This will supplement the shorts discussions for the next couple of months.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

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There have actually been literally five or six of these over the past fifteen years.  Some are lost on the now defunct C3 and Stoogeworld boards.

Yes, I will participate.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

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Sounds like a lot of fun--I'm in...   :)
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Squirrelbait

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Make this happen, PLEASE - I am so THERE!
If there's no other place around the place, I reckon this must be the place, I reckon.

Offline QuinceHead

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I'll participate as well.
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

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Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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Tomorrow morning I'll post the first brackets for the Preliminary Round to determine seeds 127 and 128 in the Tournament Bracket.
Something about income tacks season...