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What 1960's movie shows an offended Moe saying "you Beatle" to guy in long hair?

dom dip · 21 · 5425

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Offline dom dip

Years ago i saw a mid to late 1960's movie with Moe in the movie. If i remembered right, Moe just got off a train(or maby not), and as he was approching a sidewalk he noticed a guy in long hair(who was probably into the Beatles like alot of youths or young adults were back then), and as Moe was looking at him looking a little angry or offended, Moe said to him, "You Beatle". It seemed modern rock of that day offended Moe thats why he called him that. Anyohe know the title of that movie? I googled and cant find anything. I wonder what Moe thought about Alice Cooper, haha.

Offline metaldams

Years ago i saw a mid to late 1960's movie with Moe in the movie. If i remembered right, Moe just got off a train(or maby not), and as he was approching a sidewalk he noticed a guy in long hair(who was probably into the Beatles like alot of youths or young adults were back then), and as Moe was looking at him looking a little angry or offended, Moe said to him, "You Beatle". It seemed modern rock of that day offended Moe thats why he called him that. Anyohe know the title of that movie? I googled and cant find anything. I wonder what Moe thought about Alice Cooper, haha.

      You're thinking THE OUTLAWS IS COMING!  A Japanese man with a Beatle haircut walks out, and Moe asks, "A Japanese Beatle?" 

      Not so much The Three Stooges, but according to Alice Cooper, people from the Stooges generation like Mae West, George Burns, and Groucho Marx, who Alice did know, viewed Alice's act like an extension of Vaudeville.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline dom dip

      You're thinking THE OUTLAWS IS COMING!  A Japanese man with a Beatle haircut walks out, and Moe asks, "A Japanese Beatle?" 

Not so much The Three Stooges, but according to Alice Cooper, people from the Stooges generation like Mae West, George Burns, and Groucho Marx, who Alice did know, viewed Alice's act like an extension of Vaudeville.

Thanks for the reply. I kind of really remembered Moe's exact 2 words were, "you Beatle", but maby he does say those exact 2 words to that guy later on in the conversation. It should be that movie you mentioned because how often does Moe make comments about the Beatles in movies? (Really cool) Alice also appeared in photos with Groucho, (I just noticed now Alice appeared in photos with Colonial[kernal] Sanders), ha. It would of been nice if Alice appeared in a photo with Moe. Moe was also a really cool gent.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

This might help:  I just watched The Outlaws Is Coming for the weekly reviews, and the gag is exactly like Metaldams describes it, verbatim.  There is no further action with the Japanese Beatle, and no further Beatle references in the movie.
     NOW:  I'm not exactly sure where it is, but in some reference work, maybe even on this site, there is a color still of the Stooges working with Danny Thomas, taken from a TV special called, I believe, either Danny Thomas Meets the Comedians or Danny Thomas and the Comedians.  At one point, the stooges are cutting up, and to get their attention Danny yells at Moe " Hey ! Aged Beatle ! "  ( he might have said "ancient Beatle", I'm not sure ) and Moe reacts big.  Again, no further Beatles references, and the bit, whatever it was, proceeds from there.  I have no idea if this video exists in any form today, but I saw it on the night it first ran in the late '60's, and that was the gag.  Ask me why I remember it today, I have no idea, aside from the fact that I was a stooge freak then as well.  In any case, this sounds more like the gag that Mr. Dip is remembering.  I'd call you Dom, but I don't want to be getting too familiar.

Offline Stoogephan

Good memory! Here's a youtube clip where Danny Thomas says, "Hey you, aged Beatle" to Moe who is starting a Shakespeare-type drama line.

Offline dom dip

....this sounds more like the gag that Mr. Dip is remembering. I'd call you Dom, but I don't want to be getting too familiar.   That's the one. Thanks. Looks like a pretty wacky show overall.

I like being called Mr. Dip, haha. I checked out that video on youtube of Danny Thomas saying, "Hey, aged Beatle" to Moe while on stage, no its not the "you Beatle" i'm referring to, thanks though. It might be from that 1965 movie The outaws is coming, i just ordered that on ebay so i'll now for a fact if i'm referring to that movie once i watch it. It may not be though since that movie i saw years ago seemed to be from 1968 or 69 and the young man who Moe said that to had long Beatles hair style of that time(not Beatles hair style of 65) and he was english looking not japanese. By the way, Moe did have a 1965 Beatles hair style but very short on the sides and back, ha. [3stooges]
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 09:15:25 AM by dom dip »

Offline metaldams

Interestingly enough, Outlaws was filmed in May 1964, just a few months after The Beatles landed in America and appeared on Ed Sullivan.  Definitely incorporating current culture, and as a Beatles fan, a reference that would not be lost on me like some cultural stuff in the 30's and 40's films.

I wasn't born then, but my Mom was at both Shea Stadium shows. Crazy when you think about it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

One more guess for me, and I do mean a guess:  Moe had a cameo in a stinko movie called Don't Worry We'll Think of a Title.  I've never seen it, not many have, it seems, but I've seen a still where Moe has his trademark haircut but is listed as not playing his usual character.  Is it possible that Moe's character  encounters a longhair in this movie and calls him a Beatle?  Anybody seen this?

Offline Stoogephan

One more guess for me, and I do mean a guess:  Moe had a cameo in a stinko movie called Don't Worry We'll Think of a Title.  I've never seen it, not many have, it seems, but I've seen a still where Moe has his trademark haircut but is listed as not playing his usual character.  Is it possible that Moe's character  encounters a longhair in this movie and calls him a Beatle?  Anybody seen this?
Here ya go. Moe's appearance starts about twelve minutes in. Not sure if he appears later in the film, I haven't watched the whole thing. Warning! This is absolutely terrible.


Offline Umbrella Sam

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I doubt this is the one he's talking about, but I seem to recall in one of the New Three Stooges live-action wraparounds that Curly Joe called Moe the one "with the Beatle haircut." I think it's the one where they're children's entertainers in a park.
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

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Offline dom dip

Here ya go. Moe's appearance starts about twelve minutes in. Not sure if he appears later in the film, I haven't watched the whole thing. Warning! This is absolutely terrible.


I checked this movie on youtube and watched the whole movie. Moe plays a lawyer, a real lawyer not a fake or crazy one so he certainly is out of charactor, haha, but no he doesn't encounter any long hair guy and say offendedly, "you Beatle!!".(what i saw on tv years ago,like he got offended by a guy in long hair and who was into rock, ha. I guess rock and long hair was too advanced, aggressive or sloppy for a 1930's/40's mind type). Thanks for the tip though.

Offline dom dip

I doubt this is the one he's talking about, but I seem to recall in one of the New Three Stooges live-action wraparounds that Curly Joe called Moe the one "with the Beatle haircut." I think it's the one where they're children's entertainers in a park.

New Stooges live wrap arounds? Probably not the one but what year was this recorded, ya never knoe.

Offline dom dip

Outlaws was filmed in May 1964, just a few months after The Beatles landed in America and appeared on Ed Sullivan.  Definitely incorporating current culture. I wasn't born then, but my Mom was at both Shea Stadium shows.

The dvd that i thought had Outlaws is coming arrived in mail but its a collection without this title, i dont know how i "stooged up", ha, but i just bought yesterday a 6 movie set that includes this title, will watch this movie when it arrives. Your mom was at the Shea shows? I have the later Shea show on a legit dvd release in color, wow,all those yelling and crying teen girls, amazing show, maby you'll see your mom in the audience if you get the dvd.

Offline metaldams

The dvd that i thought had Outlaws is coming arrived in mail but its a collection without this title, i dont know how i "stooged up", ha, but i just bought yesterday a 6 movie set that includes this title, will watch this movie when it arrives. Your mom was at the Shea shows? I have the later Shea show on a legit dvd release in color, wow,all those yelling and crying teen girls, amazing show, maby you'll see your mom in the audience if you get the dvd.

I've seen the footage, no Mom in sight.  LOL.  She was at both the '65 and '66 show at Shea.  Said she couldn't hear them at all, I believe they were playing through little Vox amplifiers and were being played through the p.a. speakers where they announced the ball players.

For some irony, I saw Paul McCartney with my parents August 15, 2010; exactly 45 years after the first Shea show my Mom was at.  Paul even made mention of the anniversary.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Umbrella Sam

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New Stooges live wrap arounds? Probably not the one but what year was this recorded, ya never knoe. claims that they were shot from July 13, 1965 to August 25, 1965.

Here's the wraparound I was referring to. Curly Joe says it around 5:55

“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

My blog:

Offline metaldams claims that they were shot from July 13, 1965 to August 25, 1965.

Here's the wraparound I was referring to. Curly Joe says it around 5:55

Thanks for posting that, you're right about the Beatle reference, and even proof of Moe's haircut being referred to as a Beatle haircut.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline dom dip

Thanks for posting that, you're right about the Beatle reference, and even proof of Moe's haircut being referred to as a Beatle haircut.

I saw this video on youtube and its not the Beatle reference im referring to. Its funny how often the Three Stooges mentions the Beatles in their films or someone mentions it to Moe(since Moe has similar Beatles hair cut). If 3 Stooges would of mentioned the Beatles in their 1930's or 40's shorts/films, then that would of been a WONDER, hahaha.  [pie]

Offline dom dip

I've seen the footage, no Mom in sight.  LOL.  She was at both the '65 and '66 show at Shea.

For some irony, I saw Paul McCartney with my parents August 15, 2010; exactly 45 years after the first Shea show my Mom was at.  Paul even made mention of the anniversary.

Did you and your parents see or meet Paul in person that day Aug 15, 2010 (how did and where did that happen?), or was Paul preforming live on a stage? That would be a major coincidence if your mom saw him in person and talked to him as he was walking by exactly 45 years after she saw him in the Shea concert! If i had to pick my very fav #1 Beatles song it would have to be
"Band on the run".(theres something amazing about that song, although i know that was a song from Paul's solo album but i will bet if Beatles never broke up, Band on the run song would of been on their next Beatles album). "Hard days night" song is # 2.

Offline dom dip

I received and watched the Outlaws is Coming but sadly its not the "You Beatle!" im referring to. Moe questions, "a japanese Beatle?" in Outlaws is Coming. Maby its actually possible it was a different male actor i saw on tv in a movie saying you Beatle and maby it wasn't Moe. Sometimes your mind can play tricks on you but i'm almost 100% certain it was Moe from the Three Stooges. He was by himself, got off a train (maby), walked onto sidewalk or street and approaching him was a guy in long hair. Moe asked him a question (i think), and after the guy answered him,(based on what the guy said must of offended Moe) and thats when Moe said the 2 words to him in his usual angry tone. THANKS for your replies!!