Years ago, I called this one of the worst things related to the Stooges. Upon a fresh viewing, I can't say this thing is flat out awful, but it's not the kind of thing I would go out of my to see either. Basically, Joe Derita is the emcee for some three piece group (bass, guitar, accordion) called The Nov-Elites, and as billed, they are a true novelty act. They're talented guys, but not exactly my cup of tea. At one point, they are impersonating different musical personalities from what I can gather. Not being well versed in 40's music, the only impersonation I recognized was Al Jolson during the "Mammy" bit. A King Diamond impersonation would be is more in my wheelhouse. At various other points, they scat sing, play fast 12 bar swing type stuff, and wear different costumes. Kind of the like the thing you see on one of these talent shows on TV these days where you see an act with a bit of talent, but no long lasting substance.
As far as Derita, he does dance at one point quite uniquely and takes that great sideways fall I eluded to in a previous short...must've been in his burlesque act. There is one great gag involving Derita in a piano stool. Other than that? Christine and Emil are a bit wasted in stock roles and there's a cute kitten. I guess it's also worth noting for the first two minutes, they are almost trying to make the Nov-Elites act like The Three Stooges with Derita as their Healy, but they stop that quick, thank God.
A unique short, but when I'm through, I must ponder, "What the Hell did I just watch?" Out of everything I reviewed, I freely admit this is the short I have the least understanding of that question.