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Rumpus in the Harem (1956)

metaldams · 30 · 18922

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Offline Freddie Sanborn

Had a suitable replacement been immediately available I’m sure he could have fulfilled the rest of Shemp’s contract. I wonder if they considered Emile Sitka as a Shemp replacement? He might not have had the name recognition that Besser did, but he could have hit the ground running.
“If it’s not comedy, I fall asleep.” Harpo Marx

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Another of my favorite Shemp recycle jobs.  A train wreck?  Perhaps.  An entertaining train-wreck?  For sure!

#110. Rumpus In The Harem

Offline Dr. Mabuse

The first of the infamous Palma jobs . . . and a ghastly affair. "Rumpus in the Harem" is a two-reel fiasco that should only be seen once. A slight improvement over the rock-bottom "Commotion on the Ocean" because of the "Malice in the Palace" scenes.


Offline Allen Champion

Why did you remind me that this short even exists?  Now I'll have to go back to therapy!   [pie]
"What do you know of the blood, sweat and toil of a theatrical production? Of the dedication of the men and the women in the noblest profession of them all?"

Offline HomokHarcos

Had a suitable replacement been immediately available I’m sure he could have fulfilled the rest of Shemp’s contract. I wonder if they considered Emile Sitka as a Shemp replacement? He might not have had the name recognition that Besser did, but he could have hit the ground running.
That's an interesting scenario. I know Emil was supposed to replace Larry in 1975, but imagine if he was the one that replaced Shemp and not Joe Besser.