PALS AND GALS in the link above

Well, I gotta say, this stock footage era is getting some focus on how I'm going to write about these things. I'm starting to notice not all of these are interchangeable after all! With MUSTY MUKETEERS and BUBBLE TROUBLE, you get films that are re-written, gags rearranged, a relatively extended scene of new footage, and in the case of the former, the ability to give the original a run for its money when the new footage is actually good! Then you have the RIP, SEW, AND STITCH variety when the new footage never sustains long enough to create new comedy, feeling like a writer's project more than any real comic inspiration. These are the worst kind of stock footage shorts, and sadly, PALS AND GALS falls into this category.
Nice to see new Christine footage again, the first time in four years! A shame she isn't given much to do, and neither are her two sisters or the Stooges themselves in the new footage. Hey, the girls look pretty, but so what. The basic formula is they do away with Jock Mahoney's character, kill Doc Barker (!) as a way to introduce new characters, and have some montage of new and stock footage to create a chase scene that would make Ed Wood blush. Oh, but children, not only do they borrow from OUT WEST, nay! They go all the way back into the archive, 17 years earlier, and dig a few shots from GOOFS AND SADDLES, the contrasting quality of the film stock quite jarring. Really a writer's project, PALS AND GALS is, and not much in the way of new comedy. Again, the equivalent of one of those alternate takes you get on the uber deluxe edition of your favorite album where the song is exactly the same, but half the guitar solo is different. Not very nourishing. Hey, if you're sane like 99% of the population, you wouldn't know the difference watching this thing on TV, but for freaks like us? Meh!