Three comments:
1.) The only thing the new footage, which is not horrible, adds is to reveal the identities of the thieves in the first five minutes, thus completely eliminating all the suspense there was ( which even in the original was admittedly not a whole lot ) about the identity of the ghosts/robbers.
2.) This new footage, while adding nothing new, does point out how good the original was: fast pace, good dialogue, good slapstick.
3.) The parrot's catch phrase, " How you fixed for blades? " is a reference to an advertising campaign for Gillette razor blades, who in the early days of television had a ubiquitous ad series depicting a cartoon parrot asking that question, especially on pro wrestling and pro boxing shows, which themselves were ubiquitous at that point. Like the pens that write underwater, or whipped cream, the reference would have been unmistakable to the audience of that day; how funny is another question.
4. ) ( Okay, I lied, there's four, not three ): Christine still looks great, if a tiny bit plumper in this one. Still a trouper, taking a snee in the ass. This has got to be close to her final stooge footage, no?