SCRAMBLED BRAINS in the link above

OK, folks, I have a confession to make. I, Metaldams, a man of great control, virtue, and moral superiority, on Thursday night drank too much alcohol. Godfrey Daniels! My head was throbbing all day and I feel much better now, hence I'm ready for this review. I am ashamed to say I did not listen to Ozzy Osbourne's warning in the lyrics of "Demon Alcohol," so if there is a lesson to be learned, it's listen to those Ozzy lyrics, especially the ones penned by Bob Daisley. You're welcome for the wisdom, I make these mistakes so you don't have to. Now let's discuss some Stooges.
Discuss some Stooges, I say, but this just ain't any Stooge short, it's friggin SCRAMBLED BRAINS. Picture a nice sunny day, early 70's, and you want to visit a certain Larry Fine. Chances are he might show you a Stooge short upon your visit, and the chances are great SCRAMBLED BRAINS would be the one he'd show you. Larry was very fond of this short, and rightfully so. Like Thump mentions below, there are very surreal bits in this short, unlike anything you'd see on other Stooge shorts, and the comedy and performances throughout are pretty top notch.
First off, the doll and "mama" gag. This is actually an old warhorse of a gag that I'm not too fond of in general, but the energy is so good in this short that the performers make it work. It's Shemp's spastic reactions, Emil Sitka's bizarre glasses and German accent, and the huddle behind Shemp's back that make this bit fun. Then what follows is the pill swallowing bit, highlighted by Moe trying to shove the entire bottle of pills in Shemp's mouth and forcing them down via Kung fu chop to the throat. Ah yes, brotherly love at its finest, and in the real world, a drug casualty waiting to happen. Fortunately, this is not the real world, so yes, this bit is pretty funny.
Ah yes, we must discuss Babe London, making her only Stooge appearance. She's a bit older here than her Laurel and Hardy and Chaplin appearances. In her younger days, she played what in modern terms would be known as a "BBW," if that's your thing (to each their own, my friend), but yeah, she's older now and a bit hideous looking. I think it's by design, I'm at least hoping that gap between her teeth was false. Her vocal inflection after Shemp states he's going to take her to a honeymoon on the isle of Stromboli, if memory serves me correct, if appropriately garbled and hideous. One of the great ugly girl roles, right up there with anything Dee Green ever did, and the hallucination of Shemp thinking she's a young pretty nurse is a wonderfully fun and surreal bit.
Speaking of surreal, Shemp at the piano, holy shittake mushrooms, Batman! What a brilliant scene. My favorite part would be the hands playing the swinging ragtime bit while they do the close-up of Shemp excitedly getting down to the music, but the whole scene rocks the casbah. I'm also a big fan of the chopped off, isolated fingers slowly playing the piano as Shemp looks on in horror. Overall, a Stooge scene unlike any other, a true stand out in this epic discussion we are having.
Oh but wait, there is more. The greatest Stooge phone booth scene ever can be found here, the boys tearing it up with Vernon Dent. As for Larry, the close ups of him with broken egg shells on his head as well as the milk pouring all over him rank among his best shots ever,and with Larry, that's really saying something. I can understand his enthusiasm for this short based on these shots alone. Poor Vernon getting the cake in the kisser and the epic stunt dummy fall when the phone booth falls down are all great moments, as is poor Vernon's aftermath stuck in the corner, tangled up in wires, a complete groggy mess.
One of the all-time greats, there are no other shorts like this one.