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Hokus Pokus (1949)

metaldams · 27 · 21000

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Offline stooge_o_phile

The shaving scene is also gold. 

Watching the boys shave each other more or less blindly with straight razors causes me a lot of uneasiness.

That's definitely blood on Shemp's cheek.  Though the scariest thing is when Shemp tests a blade by running it straight down the middle of his tongue (different short)!

Yes, there is some kind of smear or blemish on Shemp's face in that one shot, but if anyone thinks it's because they were shaving each other with real razors, thou art a dumb cluck. 

One thing that's always kind of jumped out at me in this short is during the "shaving scene”...

For everyone who thought this scene was brutal to watch you should check out Shemp in the solo short “Smoked Hams” he did for Vitaphone in 1934.

He does a similar shaving bit here - it’s painful yet still funny to see and he does it all himself. Apparently the genesis of the gag in this one!

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

The shaving scene is certainly the highlight for me.  I rank this one at #71 overall.